... when we first started with the "Darwin"-kit, there was the basic kit containig commonly not available or 3D-printed parts for around 300USD and a BOM for the missing parts (screws, mechanical parts, wires ... and such) for aditional 300USD ... the second version "Mendel" was not much cheaper ... last the designs culminated into the "Mendel90" (with seems to be the actually most common gantry design).
Then the "copycats" started to sell complete 3D-printers for 300USD or less.
Best bet actually is to search for a second-hand one ... even better, if it's in working/calibrated condition (got so an "Anycubic Kobra2 Pro", which was and is printing without issues

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2024 08:29AM by VDX.
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