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Arduino boughting

Posted by Assargadon 
Arduino boughting
January 31, 2008 08:06AM
I just receive PCBs from Zach at least. It's greate, but now I need two Arduino's.
And I live in Russia.
Do someone have good idea about how can I bought Arduino's (cheaper is better of course).
Re: Arduino boughting
January 31, 2008 08:46AM
Is it possible to use "arduino-comparible" boards?
Do Arduino board should have male or female connectros onboard?
Is it too hard to construct Arduino from kit?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/2008 08:47AM by Assargadon.
Re: Arduino boughting
January 31, 2008 09:09AM
For example, both cheaper and smallest Arduino clone I find is RBBB:

It's pretty small (and I like it) and it's cheap (and, of course, I like it even more).

I understand that you never know if it really usable if you don't try. I can try...if I have a chance.
Re: Arduino boughting
January 31, 2008 09:26AM
Hi Assargadon,

... you need the proper firmware in the Aruino-boards, and you must have a similar pin-layout, so look which setup and which board-type you really need.

Or simply mail Zach, as he's the one programming the Arduino-boards to communicate with the PC and stay compatible with the host-software ...

Re: Arduino boughting
February 01, 2008 02:57AM
All variations should work, as long as they have the atmega168, so the RBBB and the BoArduino (I've got one) are both great. You could even do it yourself from free samples and program it through the parallel port, which is way more trouble than it's worth smiling smiley
Re: Arduino boughting
February 03, 2008 06:43AM
What strategy is better:
1) just buy any Arduino assembled
2) buy preprogramed ATMEGA186 + PCBs (other parts - locally)
3) buy just PCBs, and locally buy all needed stuff including AVR programmer

Both have they advantages and faulties: I can train in electronics or I can spend more time and money but get guaranteed quality...hm.

How do you think, is assembling of such a board complicated to novice? Is AVR programming by programmer complicated? Well, I have small soldering skills (I fixed some devices just by resoldering burned or broken parts, last time it was my cellular), but not electronic ones (I mean I use this board and part like some kind of techno-magic: I just know if I solder all them in proper order/places/position I have predicted result. Just like spellcasting smiling smiley.
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