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Looking for Printed Parts in Richmond Area

Posted by GaryL 
Looking for Printed Parts in Richmond Area
February 03, 2012 04:27PM
Hi everyone !

I am looking into building a RepRap Prusa Mendel or RepRapPro Huxley.
Can someone let me know what some of the major differences are between these 2 models ? and as a beginner, which would be most appropriate for me ?

I'm also look at obtaining printed parts for either one of these. If someone in the Vancouver / Richmond area has a set printed, please let me know and I can buy it from you for a reasonable price.

This is a new hobby for me. Thanks for your help in advance.

Re: Looking for Printed Parts in Richmond Area
February 03, 2012 04:43PM
HI Gary,

The RepRap Pro is an E-maker huxley being sold as RepRap pro and is a some what of a newer machine. The Prusa (original) is a well supported machine and the cheapest as far as printed parts go. The Prusa 2 is new and I personally don't like its lack of fasteners.

I could print any of them you would like.

Prusa printed parts plus hobbed bolt $100
Prusa 2 printed parts plus hobbed bolt $100
E-maker huxley (RepRap pro) printed parts $120 (lot more parts)

The most activity happens in the Fraser Valley Group [forums.reprap.org] We meet once or twice a month.


FFF Settings Calculator Gcode post processors Geometric Object Deposition Tool Blog
Tantillus.org Mini Printable Lathe How NOT to install a Pololu driver
Re: Looking for Printed Parts in Richmond Area
February 09, 2012 04:04PM
Hello Gary,

I live in Vancouver and commute daily to Richmond. I can print anything for you. Please send me an email with the .STLs and I will give you a very reasonable quote. I am making an order for some PLA, so let me know what colour you want!

Check me out on twitter it see some recent builds: @Glitch3DModels
Re: Looking for Printed Parts in Richmond Area
February 10, 2012 11:17PM
Thank you very much everyone.

Brad has offered to print the parts for the Prusa. Looking forward to building it.

Re: Looking for Printed Parts in Richmond Area
February 13, 2012 09:08AM
Gary have a look at the electronics
Post I am putting a set of parts together for
Local guys at or near cost
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