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Parts in Vancouver area

Posted by Annirak 
Parts in Vancouver area
November 24, 2008 01:37AM
I'm thinking about building a reprap. I don't have the budget to do it right now, but in the next few months I may be able to start ramping up to build it. Does anyone in the Vancouver area have a reprap far enough along to replicate?
Re: Parts in Vancouver area
November 24, 2008 05:14PM
I just made a complete parts set out in Toronto (they're for sale in the For Sale forum), and I'm planning on moving to Vancouver soon. I'm looking for someone to start building right away, but send me a photo of your completed electronics and I'll either send you some parts or put you in the queue.

As this is the only set of self - printed parts available right now, I'd rather sell them to someone who can start building right away. With any luck, there should be a lot more sets available shortly. smiling smiley

Re: Parts in Vancouver area
November 24, 2008 05:39PM
Well, I won't be able to start building for a few months. I just wanted to know if self-built parts will be available when I do.

Re: Parts in Vancouver area
June 21, 2011 05:40PM
Hey Wade

I know this is a old Post but i was wondering if you every made it out this way and if you have a time or know any one that may have time to help me get one of these up and running

thanks for your time

Re: Parts in Vancouver area
July 17, 2011 10:32PM
Same, I too am in Vancouver and want to get things up and running. I am ready to buy parts but could really use a sanity check before I do. Help would be appreciated!
January 27, 2012 05:45PM
The Vancouver RepRap group seems to be struggling.
I suggest
* since the printed parts can be moulded, according to a post I saw, and lost track of.
* find and cross-post that entry so at least somebody can get started.
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