Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 27, 2010 02:27PM
Starting March 6th, the Vancouver Reprap community will hold bi-weekly Reprap workshop at UBC on Saturday.

Time: 6:30pm, Saturday starting March 6th (bi-weekly)
Location: UBC, Hennings Building, Room 208

Join us at the workshop if you're in town toogrinning smiley It would be an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded friends and to share crazy ideas!

Please message me if you need more information.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2010 07:34PM by BingDai.
Re: RepRap Party Vancouver! Plus bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 27, 2010 02:34PM
Starting March 6th, the Vancouver Reprap community will hold bi-weekly Reprap workshop at UBC on Saturday.

Time: 6:30pm, Saturday starting March 6th (bi-weekly)
Location: UBC, Hennings Building, Room 208

Join us at the workshop if you're in town toogrinning smiley It would be an amazing opportunity to meet like-minded friends and to share crazy ideas!

Please message me if you need more information.

Hey Hey!

I was wondering if this is still happening. If so, when is the next one?

Now that school is finishing, I am looking for a summer project to put some engineering skills to work. Have been looking at reprap/cupcakecnc/fab@home for a while but never had any time/money to seriously pursue until now.

From Victoria, but would definitely like to meet up & see one of these in action first hand. I'm on the mainland intermittently, so if there is a next one, I would be quite interested in dropping in.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
April 16, 2011 03:40AM
Hello Everyone,

I'm new to this group and I'm interesting in building my own 3D printer but wanted to meet with people who have already have working reprap for pointers on building one and to find out what your experiences are with building a regular mendel or prusa mendel. Are your guys still meeting biweekly and if so when is the next one. BTW are there any of you that have a finely tuned Mendel? I would like to see a Reprap Mendel in action and see what kind of resolution you can get with one. Most Youtube videos or most any videos of reprap mendel show them printing Mendel parts but haven't seen any printing finer detail models like a miniature human torso, skull or anything intricate that you often see Youtube videos for like the Makerbot Cupcake, Makerbot Thing-o-matic, Rapman 3.1 or the Up! Personal 3D printer.
Hello everyone

I was also wondering if this is still happening? I have a team of people that want to get involved in 3d printing "rep-rap" in particular. Was hoping I could get some help/advice on the best model/place to buy as well as see them in action.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
July 17, 2011 10:27PM
hey all,

I too am interested in meeting, I am ready to purchase stuff but I need a sanity check before I do. Is this still happening?
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
July 19, 2011 03:25PM
I too am interested in building one, it seems that the OP is no longer around/interested to reply.

Why don't we just set up a place to initially meet thats a common area and see where it goes.

I'm in surrey.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
July 19, 2011 04:34PM
I have been trying to get a User Group Created for the Fraser Valley to organise get togethers, but it has been 2 months and it has not been created. As for no response to this thread, I believe this is because some RepRappers are using your interest in building a machine to PM you and try and sell you a machine instead of answering in public which would help everyone build a better community and world.

Once the Fraser Valley Group has been created I will try to organise a few meet ups a year as well as a possible local breeding / loaner program.

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Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
July 19, 2011 04:52PM
Thanks for the reply Sublime.

Selling me a reprap, BAH where is the fun in that lol.

I'm looking, like you to get others together, for me it is to share knowledge and also possibly share build costs building repraps, all in the spirit of open source. (Free or near free, there is always a cost somewhere)

My main interest in Reprap is prototyping parts, but once I have a machine going, I would have no problem building starter parts for others "AT cost", provided the demand isn't too taxing.
I would hope that others would do the same once they get theirs built too.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
July 19, 2011 05:10PM
I think maybe for now we should start a thread in the Vancouver Forum trying to organise a meeting on this side of the River. I know two others in the fraser valley with machines in the tuning stages right now and myself with a RepStrap and a Modified Prusa. I also know of a few others in the lower mainland with machines but have not seen a true RepRap community anywhere in Canada.

I would recommend getting the electronics figured out before building the actual machine because they are the most expensive and for a lot of people the hardest part ( or the software is ). I personally built my first set with little success (out dated) then I purchased a R.A.M.P.S kit from ultimachine which has worked great. For my second machine I assembled a Sanguinololu and so far its perfect (especially at the price).

For the hardware I would recommend a Prusa based design because of the simplicity, lower cost and weight savings.

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I am in Abbotsford, and would be interested in a local meeting. My reprap is currently in transit, but should be arriving next week. I have a couple of CNC machines (one small, one 4x4x1 ft router).

For Vancouver users, you should really check out the vancouver hackerspace, or Vancouver Community Labs, both of which have some variety of 3d printer in their tool libraries.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
August 21, 2011 01:42AM
@ Derek

Glad to here from you. I have a Fraser Valley group request here [] and if we use it the admins will hopefully create the group.

FFF Settings Calculator Gcode post processors Geometric Object Deposition Tool Blog Mini Printable Lathe How NOT to install a Pololu driver
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 18, 2012 07:43PM
i'm in burnaby and i just built a mendel from a botmill kit. but i haven't been able to print cuz the PLA isn't sticking to the bed. sad smiley
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 18, 2012 08:05PM
What kind of bed are you printing on? Heated glass, Heated Kapton or Blue painters tape?

Also the Fraser Valley group meets twice a month in Walnut grove (port kells) just off highway 1 at 200th street to talk RepRap. The next meeting is 7pm this Wednesday @ Boston pizza. []

FFF Settings Calculator Gcode post processors Geometric Object Deposition Tool Blog Mini Printable Lathe How NOT to install a Pololu driver
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 19, 2012 04:19PM
i have an aluminum bed wrapped in blue painters tape. 4 power resistors stuck to the bottom and powered by a separate power supply.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 19, 2012 05:53PM
What temperature is the bed at? When I print with my heated bed I have it at 50. But most of the time I don't even use it. I find printing on blue tape alone works well. Make sure to have the nozzle really close to the bed. Try sliding a piece of paper under the nozzle. It should move but be tight.

FFF Settings Calculator Gcode post processors Geometric Object Deposition Tool Blog Mini Printable Lathe How NOT to install a Pololu driver
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 19, 2012 08:53PM
I don't have a thermometer handy so i don't know how hot the bed is. considering u can print without the bed heated i don't think that would be the problem.

i leveled the bed with so i can slip a piece of paper under the nozzle with a little bit of drag... but the PLA seems to wanna stick to the nozzle more.

am i supposed to wrap the nozzle with kapton tape so that the PLA doesn't cool off too much by the time it exits the nozzle?
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 19, 2012 09:14PM
If the bed is too warm it does not stick at all. And no the tip does not need to be covered.

You do have the bed connected to the motherboard and controlled by the software?

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Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 19, 2012 09:31PM
nope. the bed is not connected to the mobo and not controled by the software. the gen6 electronics i have doesn't have a connection for a heated bed.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 19, 2012 10:43PM
Odds are good it is way to hot. A heated PCB bed can reach 120 easy. Try turning it off and just print on a cold bed.

FFF Settings Calculator Gcode post processors Geometric Object Deposition Tool Blog Mini Printable Lathe How NOT to install a Pololu driver
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 21, 2012 03:53AM
i layed down a new layer of blue tape and tried it with heated bed both on and fully cooled down today. still not sticking. i measured the print bed temperature and it was only about 40 degrees when fully heated up. i'm getting really frustrated with this thing.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 21, 2012 04:04PM
If you can make it to Walnut grove tomorrow there will be a few reprappers there to talk with and we may be able to help.

What software are you using to slice?

What layer height?

What first layer height? (ratio)

What temperature are you tying to print at? I found when I first started it was much easier to print the first layer if the temp was higher than needed to print. Say 210c-220c and for the rest 190c-195c

What speed are you trying to print the first layer? Most people print the first layer at around 10mm/s and the rest 25mm/s+

Is the first layer being squished down really well?

FFF Settings Calculator Gcode post processors Geometric Object Deposition Tool Blog Mini Printable Lathe How NOT to install a Pololu driver
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 21, 2012 11:40PM
so my problem is not mechanical after all... i got the sample g-code file from botmill's website and fed it to the printer with repsnapper. within seconds my mendel was laying down a big pink plastic letter B.

so now i need to learn how to get skeinforge to spit out a good printable g-code file. i've played with the settings for awhile, i just couldn't get the correct combination. any tips in that department?

edit: i analyzed the botmill g-code file a bit and noticed it was setting the nozzle temperature to 300 degrees! after further investigation i found that botmill actually sent me ABS plastic instead of PLA like their website said they would... well that explains a lot!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/21/2012 11:53PM by ghostling.
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 21, 2012 11:43PM
Skip Skeinforge and use Slic3r instead. A lot less confusing options to play with.

Start here for a great tutorial:



are you having another reprap workshop any time soon?
if you do, i would like to particapate.

thank you,
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 26, 2012 10:40PM
I'm also interested in the next workshop.

I've got my heart set on getting/making a MendelMax. Are there local suppliers for the parts needed? Anyone want to print a set of components?
Re: Vancouver Reprap bi-weekly workshopsmiling smiley
February 26, 2012 11:41PM
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