Reprap Vancouver Appears to be a Ghost Town
March 26, 2017 06:21PM
Is there anywhere in Vancouver/Fraser Valley for anyone involved in the reprap community besides this forum? I stopped here to check out this area and it doesn't appear that anything much happens here. Lots of old threads from years back but nothing recent but people trying to sell their machines.
I've been a maker for some time but only recently have come out of my shell and been more "sociable" in forums for reprap. Kinda sad seeing nothing but people on their way out selling their gear.
Is this forum now dead or am I just not seeing posts for some reason.
Re: Reprap Vancouver Appears to be a Ghost Town
April 07, 2017 07:06PM
Hello. This part of forum is rather quiet, but that is not because there are no people in the region busy with reprap things, but more because their reprap stuff is not that region-related. There aren't any events going on as far as I know. I myself am from the region, but I keep my posts in global (non-region related) parts of the forum.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/07/2017 07:07PM by toxuin.
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