1 Reprappro Fisher Delta, can print Dia 150 x 180mm high, started life as a Fisher beta but has been highly modified with carbon arms and frame improvements, Duet 0.6 control, one poly carbonate panel broken, but doesn't affect performance. excellent little PLA printer
1 Prusa Steel framed printer, 200x200x190mm started life as a Reprappro Mendel 3 tricolor but currently rigged for only two extruders (E3D Titans), comes complete with heatbed and has shown good performance with ABS and PLA, can supply with hood complete with lights and smoke alarm
Both printers are in Brisbane, in full working order, and can be demonstrated as such, offers invited
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2016 09:43PM by bgkdavis.
RepRapPro Mendel 3 Tricolour
RepRapPro Fisher
-Carbon Arms
-Easy adjust Carriage+effector
-axis stiffness mods
HE3D -600 delta
-Duet 0.8.5
-DC42 Height probe
-RobotDigg metal components
RS Design Spark CAD