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Windows Installer

Posted by xsainnz 
Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 03:15AM
Following the recent discussions regarding the general ease of use and easy to follow instructions, here is another all-in-one installer for windows. It requires at least Java runtime environment 1.6.0 The latest JRE, currently 1.6.7, is available from: [www.java.com] (There is a link on the page to check your current version)

The following components can be installed with this package:
* RepRrap Host 0.9
* RXTX Serial Library 2.1.7
* Java3D 1.5.2
* j3d.org 3D utility library

Shortcuts can optionally be added to the start menu and desktop

Download 'RepRap Setup.zip' from [www.mediafire.com]
Extract and run 'RepRap Setup.exe'

The installer was made with IzPack [www.izpack.org] and wrapped in an executable with Lauch4j [launch4j.sourceforge.net]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2008 03:36AM by xsainnz.
Re: Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 09:22AM
Great! Worked right out of the box. Using Vista on an hp laptop.


How about a linux installer? Not having any luck on the machine actually going to be used with my repstrap. Have kubuntu running on it.

Any suggestions?
Re: Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 09:28AM
xsainnz Wrote:
> Following the recent discussions regarding the
> general ease of use and easy to follow
> instructions, here is another all-in-one installer
> for windows. It requires at least Java runtime
> environment 1.5 . The latest JRE, currently 1.6.7
> is available from:
> [www.java.com] (There
> is a link on the page to check your current
> version)
> The following components can be installed with
> this package:
> * RepRrap Host 0.9
> * RXTX Serial Library 2.1.7
> * Java3D 1.5.2
> * j3d.org 3D utility library
> Shortcuts can optionally be added to the start
> menu and desktop
> Download 'RepRap Setup.zip' from
> [www.mediafire.com]
> Extract and run 'RepRap Setup.exe'
> The installer was made with IzPack
> [www.izpack.org] and wrapped in an executable
> with Lauch4j [launch4j.sourceforge.net]

You need to include this in the new Builders Wiki. smileys with beer
Re: Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 04:22PM
What problems are you having. I have it working on Debian sid, which is similar to Ubuntu.
Re: Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 07:36PM
Not Sid but... really the only problem is figuring out what to download for linux and I have never compiled anything on linux. At least the instructions I read said download this and that and then compile using something....

The install script for windows was just click, click and you're done.

Good stuff.
Re: Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 07:59PM
you called ? grinning smiley

I think david was referring to debian "sid" (unstable development distribution)

(unstable development distribution... how adequate grinning smiley)
Re: Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 08:37PM
For Linux you can just make a script.

So now we just need an installer for Pic electronics and one for Arduino.

since the Pic electronics only work up to a certain Rev of the host software.


Great job this looks great..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2008 08:38PM by Bruce Wattendorf.
Re: Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 09:32PM
0Bruce, what version of Host software does the PIC electronics work up to?

(hehe, not at my computer)
Re: Windows Installer
October 11, 2008 10:34PM
I was working on that.. I have seen Adrian post in the forum that he had made a change that made the PIC stop working. I was going to add in the wiki what rev. the Pic will work and what Rev. the Arduino will work.

I have the PIC electronics still on my machine and I know the newest will not work..

Now I need to find this out I guess.

Re: Windows Installer
October 12, 2008 12:24AM
kk, thanks. Am looking forward to this...would have been really nice if they kept things backward compatible for a bit longer...some of us still *use* the old electronics!

Re: Windows Installer
October 12, 2008 01:58AM
There's nothing stopping you from putting together a more rational controller using PIC technology than the "old electronics" built around the 16F628A. I've built T2's around the 18F4550 and haven't regretted it for a moment.
Re: Windows Installer
October 12, 2008 07:33AM
brucew Wrote:
> For Linux you can just make a script.

Oh, That SID!

Ok, "just make a script". What should it contain?

That's why xsainnz's windows installer was great. Don't have to know anything. Just click.

There are enough hurtles to the process without having to figure out the software installation too.
Re: Windows Installer
October 12, 2008 08:52AM
In Linux a bash script is for the most part just the same info you would type in using the terminal window.
You can do more and actually check to see if the software is already installed and for the most part anything else because you can do almost anything from the command prompt.

I usually always make a script when I install the Reprap software in Linux that way if I need to repeat the install on a different computer it is an easy process. (I use old computers for my Reprap machine.)

I attached one of my scripts it needs to be updated but it is an example.

open | download - install reprap software.sh (2.1 KB)
Re: Windows Installer
October 12, 2008 09:16AM
Ok. Kind of like the batch files I used to write in dos....showing my age?

As well as my ignorance of linux....noob linux user.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/12/2008 09:17AM by Arvin.
Re: Windows Installer
October 12, 2008 09:45AM
Yes just like batch files ( I am from the same time )

windows 3.1 is coming back!!

I also it seems around this time last year worked on some scripts using NSIS for windows they are located here [reprap.svn.sourceforge.net]

I am a big fan of auto installers as long as they are updated.

Re: Windows Installer
October 12, 2008 03:13PM
brucew Wrote:
> Yes just like batch files ( I am from the same
> time )
> windows 3.1 is coming back!!

NEVER! If you tried to open more than one app at a time you had a 50/50 chance of having the "Blue Screen of Death" experience. I like all the eye candy in vista but I NEVER had to reboot with xp=pro or DOS smiling smiley Don't know why I have resisted linux for so long. I really like kubuntu. It's on the machine in the garage.

I'm in no hurry anyway. Have torn apart my latest repstrap effort and will try again next month. 2 months off starting in November. Might just get a machine that can do more than just buzz back and forth. Oh, it moved nicely, just was too flimsy. Too much give on each axis.
Re: Windows Installer
October 15, 2008 09:59AM
Excellent xsainnz, I've been looking at IzPack meaning to get together an installer for a while now.

Could you post the install config XML? I'd like to get it working for OSX and standing on the shoulders of giants seems a sensible start ;-}>

For those with SVN write access, IzPack can be integrated into an ant build script so we could have a target that auto-magically produced the installer(s).
Re: Windows Installer
October 15, 2008 10:43AM
I tried around the last few days ...
and I figured that although ReplicatorG is based on Java it doesn't need to have Java installed on the client machine,
it's enough to carry the Java folder on an usb stick with repG.
unfortunately that's not enough for the repraphost maybe just because repg is an exe and the rrhost a jar..

I don't have no java compiler to try making the host an exe and putting it on an usb stick.
But if anybody could recompile the host as an exe and attach it, I could give it a try.

It'd be a benefit to have everything on an usb stick without the need of installation I think (although that'd be useful for windows only here)

Re: Windows Installer
October 15, 2008 08:08PM

ReplicatorG and the arduino IDE are bundled with Java (..\replicatorg-0001\java) the same could be done for the RR Host to make it 'portable'

The java compiler is not capable of making exe files, you can use something like Lauch4j [launch4j.sourceforge.net] to create an executable wrapper around the jar and set runtime options, splash screens and other bells and whistles


unchanged install.xml attached
Were you hoping to make an independent Mac installer or an all in one mac+win?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/15/2008 08:23PM by xsainnz.
open | download - install.xml (2.1 KB)
Re: Windows Installer
October 15, 2008 09:16PM
thanks for the hint xsainnz,
I just downloaded jsmooth and will give it a try

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