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host software temp problem

Posted by thatguy 
host software temp problem
June 19, 2009 12:45PM
My reprap is almost done, but the temp in the host software is still wrong. The thermistor works because it gives the right temp in the firmware test (where you watch the temp in the serial window). The host software does one of three things, in linux it says, 3,4,5 but in seemingly random order and frequency. In windows it will either say 255 or 0. I know my pin is right, but it just seems like the host software is making up the value. Thoughts?
Re: host software temp problem
June 19, 2009 12:47PM
And I'm using a sanguino, gen 2 electronics
Re: host software temp problem
June 19, 2009 12:49PM
I'm running the debug right now and it is trying to get a temp from the board.
Re: host software temp problem
June 19, 2009 01:17PM
Now it says debug: queueRespond: attempt to queue: M105; get temperature to a non-running output buffer. [###.###s/####ms]

# being a number
Re: host software temp problem
June 19, 2009 02:58PM
I have changed the thermistor table and the host software is still giving me the same numbers...
Re: host software temp problem
June 19, 2009 03:17PM
Scratch that, I can get different values but it never update the number even though in command prompt it says it is getting new temp values.
Re: host software temp problem
June 19, 2009 05:27PM
values of random 255 or 0 is normally indicating an unconnected input. Since you can read the temp in some tests OK, check your pin numbers in pins.h in the firmware against the wires.
It sounds like you've done that, though.

Restart the host, watching for connect errors in the terminal window....

Are you using the gcode or SNAP firmware: sometimes the settings are in different places?

Reprapping blog and other rants: [renoirsrants.blogspot.com]
My Reprap: [sites.google.com]
Re: host software temp problem
June 22, 2009 12:25PM
gcode. And I know the pin is right, I have checked in pins.h. Is there anything else it could be?
Re: host software temp problem
June 22, 2009 01:22PM
Try running a serial terminal, and send the M105 command to the Sanguino - you should get back a temperature reading. If you do, the problem is on the host side; if you don't the problem is on the Sanguino side. Check that other commands work, like G1X10.

Re: host software temp problem
June 24, 2009 03:50PM
the serial thing works, it will tell me the right temp.

Can I run the host software without the right temp?
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