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Host Software Issue

Posted by Rick 
Host Software Issue
July 01, 2009 10:44AM
'lo all,

Back from a brief hiatus. Lots of changes since I last fiddled with this. Loaded up the new host software and it seems to hang. May be a com error, I was wondering if anyone else was having similar issues. Running Single Arduino under Linux. Loaded the GCode firmware. Thermistor is happily sounding off the current temperature...when I then move to do *anything*; be it exercise a stepper of try to ramp up the heat, the software hangs and I can't seem to close it. Killing the thread doesn't even work. I have to log out/reboot to bring up another connect because the hanging software won't release the port. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance!

- Rick

A chicken has a head the size of a walnut. Yet, even it has the sense to come in out of the rain.
Re: Host Software Issue
July 01, 2009 12:42PM
Which linux are you using and are you sure you got all the java libs in?
Re: Host Software Issue
July 01, 2009 04:35PM
Unbutu. Seems like I have all the libraries...would the host run if I didn't? It comes up and everything appears fine. If I do *nothing*, I can close it. Debugging doesn't seem to be much help for this problem, it reports that the thermistor is reporting away. I bring a soldering iron close, temp goes up. I move it away, temp goes down. I exercise a stepper, frozen. I have to log out/log in to release the port. Try again, temp looks ok...try to ramp up the heater, frozen. Still scratchin' my head...see attached for what the terminal looks like right up until the point it freezes. As always, all help is appreciated!

- Rick

A chicken has a head the size of a walnut. Yet, even it has the sense to come in out of the rain.
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Re: Host Software Issue
July 02, 2009 12:42PM
The host won't run if there are libs missing.

I know there's a min temp for the heater, but you can normally still move the steppers.

My guess might be a power issue? try disconnecting the heater and steppers - do the driver lights still flash?

You could also load up ReplicatorG - if you've got gcode firmware - you can see whether it's the software or firmware side.

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