Femto OS (tiny GPL RTOS for AVRs)
August 12, 2009 11:14AM
This looks like a pretty powerful OS if we're too much constrained with the current development platform but still want to stick to the AVRs we're currently using.


Having a multi-tasking OS may allow the complexity of the software to be reduced a bit.

In this movie you quickly see that it's pretty capable of running multiple tasks:

What are your thoughts?

I'm probably meeting the developer at HAR. So if you have questions I can pass them on.


Erik de Bruijn
[Ultimaker.com] - [blog.erikdebruijn.nl]
Re: Femto OS (tiny GPL RTOS for AVRs)
August 12, 2009 10:08PM
Interesting concept, my take on the latest G-code interpreter is that it is doing a good job of deciding (code examination, not real work experience) what motion are necessary based on a timer interrupt to control all three axis’s.

Though if it could reduce the complexity of such code to something easily readable I am all for it.

While the ATmegga644P as designed in the Sanguino uses a 16mhz external clock, it might be cheaper to use multiples with the internal 8mhz clock with this library given the trend to multiple slave extruders.

I just bought four of ATmegga644P for roughly five bucks and some change, so saving two bucks to go to a cheaper chip is questionable.

Given Forest’s strip board design program and I seemed to remember a strip board Sanguino we could fairly much freeze motion control and an extruder API?
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