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skeinforge tweaks for build quality - help request

Posted by jeffpark_ 
skeinforge tweaks for build quality - help request
August 25, 2009 10:21PM
Well after 2 years of working on it off and on I finally got an extruder working and built a fairly descent model:

I am having a few issues between the layers as you can see here:

Does anyone have an idea of what is causing this and if there are some settings i should try playing around with to improve the quality? I do have a rather large nozzle (0.5mm with a 0.64mm extrusion size) that I believe compounds the effect due to the low resolution. On the other hand it builds really fast - this model took about 20 min.

More Pictures

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/25/2009 11:43PM by jeffpark_.

Re: skeinforge tweaks for build quality - help request
August 26, 2009 02:11AM
Nice work! Congrats on getting it all working!

I don't think your nozzle is particularly large - most I've heard about are 0.4-0.6.

I'm assuming that distortion is caused by the layer start/end. If so,\ there might be some benefit in examining the start/stop timing.

Also, you could try a filled object - especially if you can use the new host software, which starts in the middle of the internal fill to minimize the start/stop effect.

Good luck!

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