DirectX issue?
April 03, 2010 01:45PM

Still building Mendel but hoped to get clued up on Host software while I print parts on the Makerbot...

All starts well with RepRap Host, but eventually get an error message...

'Unable to create DirectX D3D context.
Neither Hardware and Software Renderer are available.
Please update your video card drivers. (Which I have done!)
and get the latest DirectX (which I have also done!...)

There may be a clue in the background DOS box (that's what it looks like to me!) in that it says 'OUT OF VIDEO MEMORY'

Fore info, I have an AMD 900MHz 768Mb RAM, 3D Rage pro AGP 2X Graphics card. Win XP SP3. I also stuck with Java v5, as the Wiki says that v6 can be problematic.

Any light to be shed?

Thanks in advance!


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2010 02:18PM by Sven.
Re: DirectX issue?
April 03, 2010 09:36PM
what version of DirectX are you using?

type DXDIAG on the run menu to check if you dont know.
Re: DirectX issue?
April 05, 2010 06:13AM
Ahh...DXDIAG tells me two things!

1 I have version 0.0 installed!
2 That I have a problem with a dll file - gcdef.dll is apparently an old version and may cause problems (no kidding!)

Given that I am into unknown territory here, I would be grateful for any help - I have tried the DirectX 10 installer but it just tells me that it has installed...and the original problem persists...

Re: DirectX issue?
April 05, 2010 02:33PM
What's your graphics card?
Re: DirectX issue?
April 06, 2010 03:58AM
"3D Rage pro AGP 2X Graphics card"

Have done some subsequent research; there seems to be an issue with Win XP and DirectX 10 - but no uninstall available....

Re: DirectX issue?
April 06, 2010 10:47AM
Direct X issue sorted!
April 17, 2010 01:29PM
Many thanks to all for your help.

Replaced 8Mb Graphics card with a 64Mb version and upgraded to Java 6 - all is fine and dandy!

Mendel printing here I come!
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