Hello everyone,
I have connected the sanguino m/board via usb cable to host software and receive the following error:
comms: G-code: M105 dequeued and sent [17.160s/0ms]
comms: GCodeWriter.waitForOK() - temperature reading: T:0 [17.176s/16ms]
comms: GCode acknowledged with message: ok EB [17.176s/0ms]
Error 0x1 at /home/bob/foo/rxtx-devel/build/../src/termios.c(2497): Incorrect fu
comms: G-code: T0 dequeued and sent [17.176s/0ms]
comms: GCode acknowledged [17.192s/16ms]
Is anyone fimiliar with this error, and more importantly, how to resolve it?
Thankyou in advance
Marius Botha
Pretoria, South Africa