Introductions from me!
May 14, 2012 08:37PM
Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd register and say hello... I would very much like to build a Mendel at some point soon, just doing the usual research...

Anyone here from Altona/Williamstown area? I'd love to meet up and see a Reprap actually printing something!

Anyway, hopefully I can be of some help to someone at some point, sometime! winking smiley

- Tas
Re: Introductions from me!
May 14, 2012 09:46PM
Hello and welcome! grinning smiley
Re: Introductions from me!
October 20, 2012 07:38AM
tas_tig3r Wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Just thought I'd register and say hello... I would
> very much like to build a Mendel at some point
> soon, just doing the usual research...
> Anyone here from Altona/Williamstown area? I'd
> love to meet up and see a Reprap actually printing
> something!
> Anyway, hopefully I can be of some help to someone
> at some point, sometime! winking smiley

Hi Tas, how are you progressing. did you start building one. I am a newbee as well. Just finished my assembly and trying to print...
Re: Introductions from me!
October 22, 2012 05:02PM
I'm a prusa mendel owner printing some maybe not so great prints, live in Altona. Have to clean up my garage a bit before I can invite anyone to look.
Re: Introductions from me!
October 22, 2012 05:37PM
Well, I'd still love to come see one it action if that's ok. I haven't started on my own yet, I'm working on a basic CNC machine at the moment.
Re: Introductions from me!
October 22, 2012 07:52PM
newbie Wrote:
> I'm a prusa mendel owner printing some maybe not
> so great prints, live in Altona. Have to clean
> up my garage a bit before I can invite anyone to> look.

No worries, will be more than happy to see a working medal. Doesn't matter how your garage is. We can agree on a convenient time and catchup. I live in Maribyrnong area.
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