Introduction and my RepRap
September 18, 2013 11:08AM
Hey Fellow Reprappers,

I have kind of been around for a little while now and think it is well time that i properly introduced my self.

My name is Jack
I'm 20 years old and in my third year of a Bachelor or Engineering (Mechanical) at the University of Adelaide. I first found out about the Reprap project whilst surfing the net in a very boring lecture in 2012 semester 1.

I spent the subsequent 6 months doing more research in my spare time into the Reprap project and 3D printers and then decided to make one.

I completed my first 3D printer aka Mozbot 1 in March 2013

Im now printing and selling sets of prusa i2 printed parts at MorelliTech and running a rapid prototyping service at Uni

Here is my current setup as of 19/09/13


Model: Prusa Mendel i2
Smooth rods: Prescision ground shafting
Cold end: Gregs wade with guidler
Hot end: Budaschnozzle
Print surface: Scanner glass on heatbed mkII
Belts: MXL


Electronics: Ramps 1.4
Stepper Motors: Wantai & some random japanese ones
Endstops: Microswitches


Firmware: Marlin
Host software: Slic3r, Pronterface, sometimes CURA

Print settings

Material: PLA

Surface Preparation: PVA diluted in water

'Fast': What i usually use if im making a printer kit
Speed: 120mm/s
Accel: 3500mm/s^2
Jerk: 20mm/s^3
Layer height: 0.3mm
Extruder temp: 200 deg C
Bed Temp: 45 deg C

I have been through just over 20kg of plastic so far

For more info check out my page below at : Jakjak444
Re: Introduction and my RepRap
September 18, 2013 06:37PM
Hi Jakjak444 and welcome once again.

I am starting to notice we're getting a few SA people, and there is currently no Adelaide forum.

So I'm asking the question: Do we need a separate Adelaide forum? If I get a few responses from others who want one as well, I'll put in the request with the forum admins. winking smiley
Re: Introduction and my RepRap
September 19, 2013 03:37AM
Cefiar Wrote:
> Hi Jakjak444 and welcome once again.
> I am starting to notice we're getting a few SA
> people, and there is currently no Adelaide forum.
> So I'm asking the question: Do we need a separate
> Adelaide forum? If I get a few responses from
> others who want one as well, I'll put in the
> request with the forum admins. winking smiley

Can't hurt..

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