Hello cYbja
That G1 E-0.60000 F1800.00000 "looks" like it's a retraction code indicated by the minus sign behind 0.6. E signifies that this is command is for the extruder (you have X, Y, Z in addition), while F indicates the feedrate.
If my units are correct, based on [
reprap.org], this line is retracting 0.6mm of filament at a feedrate of 1800mm/s (this would be exact assuming you've calibrated your steps_per_mm for X,Y,Z,E).
This code I don't think halts the gcode being processed; what
would hold it though is the M109 S203 command, if your extruder never reaches 203 degrees, then this line of code is just going to "hang". But this doesn't seem to be the problem.
Could you PM me a complete Gcode that you couldn't print?