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confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?

Posted by Rumcajs 
confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 04:16AM
Recently went into my hand laser printer that uses three dice STK672-070. I found only datasheet, but I can not quite decipher - what values ​​are to have individual elements, and on what basis is the control and operation of the division of the steps .. If anyone could help me - my gratitude to the borders had notsmiling smiley
open | download - STK672-070.pdf (231 KB)
Re: confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 10:09AM
Congratulations on winning a laser printer in a dice game!

I think you got three Sanyo stepper drivers, but I have no idea what you are asking. Could you clarify? (Sometimes it helps to use your original language and google translate it.)
Re: confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 10:59AM
Używam google-tłumacz, gdyż po angielsku potrafię tylko liczyć do 10 angry smiley, a po polsku chyba byś nic nie zrozumiał grinning smiley ..
Zgadza się - na płytce z elektroniką są 3 kości STK672-070, i jedna STK672-330. W załączniku jest opis połączeń elementów peryferyjnych, ale nie potrafię dopasować wartości, ani zrozumieć sposobu sterowania mikrokrokami. Jak się domyślasz - chcę zbudować Rep-Rap, ale "dedykowane" sterowniki są w Polsce bardzo drogie - stąd pomysł na użycie kości "z odzysku". Niestety - moja znajomość elektroniki jest zerowa, i mam tylko nadzieję, że z pomocą Kolegów uda mi się zbudować część elektroniczną (gdyż część mechaniczna jest bardzo prosta).

I'm using google-translator, as in English I can only count to 10 angry smiley, and in Polish unless you do not understand grinning smiley ..
That's right - on the plate with 3 dice electronics are STK672-070, and an STK672-330. Attached is a description of the connection of peripheral elements, but I can not adjust the value, or understand how to control microstepping. As you can imagine - I want to build the Rep-Rap, but "dedicated" in Poland, the drivers are very expensive - hence the idea to use the bones "of recovery." Unfortunately - my knowledge of electronics is zero, and I only hope that with the help of colleagues I can build the electronic part (as the mechanical part is easy).
Re: confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 11:28AM
This looks to be an acceptable driver, it operates at roughly the same specs as the Pololu we are most familiar with. It is only 1.5 amps for 070 and 1.8 for the 330 as opposed to 2.0 amps for Pololu A4988. You have more than 3 correct? You will need a minimum of 4 drivers. This will mean you will be splitting the driver for the Z axis if you are doing a Prusa.

3 STK672-070 for X axis, Y axis, and extruder
1 STK672-330 for Z axis (as it is 1.8 amps max and you will be driving 2 motors with it)

What model stepper motors do you have available? It may actually be cheaper to order the drivers from China and use salvaged steppers than to find steppers that will fit these drivers. It is cheaper to buy and ship drivers with much higher power levels than to find low power high torque steppers locally.
Re: confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 11:47AM
Check this out: [pcbheaven.com]
M1, M2, and M3, to ground gives you full microstepping.
Re: confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 11:56AM
Actually, it looks like you connect M1-M3 to VCC in this schematic. On Pololu A4988 it goes to ground.
Re: confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 12:11PM
Koncepcja wykorzystania sterowników jest taka jak piszesz, zaś co do silników to raczej nie ma problemu - w ciągu ostatnich miesięcy uzbierało się ich chyba pół wiadra, więc raczej coś dobiorę winking smiley. Mam kilka sztuk KH42JM2B140 (DC5,16V; 1,2A; 1,8dag/step), oraz kilka większych - również unipolarnych. Głównie chodzi mi o wartości elementów, i jak (o ile da radę) podłączyć kości STK do płytki bazowej. Dwa lata temu zbudowałem własną wersję płytki bazowej opartej na Atmega8, na której wszystkie porty są wyprowadzone w jednej lini, a teraz tworzę coś podobnego, ale dla Atmega32 - właśnie pod kątem RepRap.
Linkowaną stronkę znalazłem już wcześniej, ale ona dotyczy STK672-080, czyli nieco innej wersji..


The concept of using the drivers is the same as you write, while the engine is usually no problem - in recent months they will have accumulated about half a bucket, so rather something will choose winking smiley. I have several pieces KH42JM2B140 (DC5, 16V, 1.2 A, 1.8 dag / step), and several more - including unipolar. Mainly I mean the values of the elements, and how (if it can manage) STK connect bones to the base plate. Two years ago, have built their own version of the base plate Atmega8 based on which all ports are routed in a single line, and now I make something similar, but for the ATmega32 - just for RepRap.
Linked mobile site I found earlier, but it applies to STK672-080, which is slightly different version ..


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2011 12:15PM by Rumcajs.
Re: confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 12:27PM
Pinout for the STK672 line should all be cross compatible, with the ratings being the only difference.
Re: confused smiley STK672-070 scheme ?
November 02, 2011 12:47PM
Tak właśnie mi się wydawało.., ale "ratings" google-tłumacz wywala mi bzdury.. Chodzi o obsługiwaną moc silników?

That's what I thought .. but "ratings" google-translator crashes my nonsense .. It is a supported engine power?


Poniżej mam inny schemat (Eagle), też do ..080 - jak sądzisz, ma sznsę zadziałać?..
Below I have a different schedule (Eagle), or to .. 080 - how do you think has the chance to act? ..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2011 12:57PM by Rumcajs.
open | download - STK672-080.rar (52.8 KB)
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