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Arduino comms on Windows

Posted by John W 
Arduino comms on Windows
May 27, 2008 03:38PM
Well the Arduino arrived from cool components today, got the Single_Arduino_SNAP.pde v1.2 uploaded fine, v1.3 doesn't compile on my machine.

Then I closed the Arduino software and opened the reprap host but I'm not sure its connecting - I presume it still works over the usb lead/serial host. Which on my XP laptop is COM3. The basic comms test doesn't seem to do anything, and there doesn't seem to be anything on the website to tell you what the expected response should be?

What should I type into port(name)? The one thats default looks linux like to me rather than windows, also the baud rate on the port by windows at default is 9600 I presume I should up this rate?

Appreciate any help, successfully managed to build the base of the machine this evening also - really must start a blog smiling smiley

Re: Arduino comms on Windows
May 27, 2008 03:46PM
Ok I'm installing the RXTX bits now - pre-compiled version is


Quite old don't know if it'll work yet or not.

Re: Arduino comms on Windows
May 27, 2008 03:49PM
Ok thats got the RXTX lights flashing on Arduino when I set the port to COM3, and the exerciser routine opens now - the comms test still does nothing though.

Still progress.

Re: Arduino comms on Windows
May 27, 2008 05:41PM

make sure you copy all the files in /library in v1.3 over to the arduino library folder. things have changed and you need the new files.
Re: Arduino comms on Windows
May 29, 2008 01:26PM
Well I had never even installed any previous versions - only 1.3 and it didnt compile - I dl 1.2 and it compiled and went straight on without problems.

Will try 1.3 again, perhaps later tonight - need to find the 24v powersupply I have to breath some life into the steppers...

Re: Arduino comms on Windows
May 29, 2008 03:55PM
could you post the errors that arduino gave you?
Re: Arduino comms on Windows
June 02, 2008 06:02PM
o: In function `__static_initialization_and_destruction_0':
undefined reference to `ThermoplastExtruder::ThermoplastExtruder(unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)'Couldn't determine program size: C:\Program Files\arduino-0011\hardware/tools/avr/bin/avr-size: 'C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\reprap-arduino-firmware-1.3\snap\Single_Arduino_SNAP\applet\Single_Arduino_SNAP.hex': No such file

avrdude: can't open input file C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\reprap-arduino-firmware-1.3\snap\Single_Arduino_SNAP\applet\Single_Arduino_SNAP.hex: No such file or directory
avrdude: write to file 'C:\Documents and Settings\John\My Documents\reprap-arduino-firmware-1.3\snap\Single_Arduino_SNAP\applet\Single_Arduino_SNAP.hex' failed

Apologies for the delay in posting it up smiling smiley

Re: Arduino comms on Windows
June 03, 2008 04:14PM
i'm trying to install this on my windows partition and i'll report back later if i cant get it to compile, but it seems like you havent copied the RepRap libraries into the Arduino libraries directory.
Re: Arduino comms on Windows
June 03, 2008 04:37PM
to clarify, make sure you have copied the files in: reprap-arduino-firmware-1.3\library to arduino-0011\hardware\libraries

i just did that and everything worked fine when compiling Single_Arduino_SNAP
Re: Arduino comms on Windows
June 03, 2008 06:17PM
Hmm, I deleted everything and re-installed it all and now its working proper.

Can I use the 1.3 to do the stepper motor debugging without the rerap software or do I need to fire that up?

Re: Arduino comms on Windows
June 04, 2008 04:05AM
You'll need something to talk to the arduino winking smiley

I don't think you can just issue it commands over a serial line, or whether you'd even want to if you could. May as well just fire up the host software.
Re: Arduino comms on Windows
June 04, 2008 08:06AM
Ah, but if I upload the gcode firmware rather than reprap it would appear you can simply send it gcode down the serial port - which is easy smiling smiley


Which is what I will try out tonight smiling smiley

Re: Arduino comms on Windows
June 10, 2008 04:40PM
exactly... its very easy to test things with Arduino + the serial monitor + gcode interpreter. gcodes are very human readable.
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