This is an odd one. My Endstops are attached to the Stepper Driver Boards, each board is powered up and grounded to the power supply chassis, but not connected to the Arduino. The Stepper Driver LEDs light up, no LEDs on the Endstops are lit, all is right with the world. I block...say...the X min Endstop, that LED lights up...everything is still good. I connect the Stepper Driver Boards to the Arduino, power up the boards but leave the power off to the Arduino (USB not connected to a computer). The Arduino is also grounded to the Power Supply chassis. Everything *appears* to be ok. Stepper LEDs burning bright, Endstop LEDs dark and peaceful...until I block...say...*any* Endstop. The blocked Endstop LED lights up bright...and all of the other Endstop LEDs also light up. Not bright, mind you, but they come on dimly.
I've been going over possible issues in my head today. Didn't have the presense of mind to check for voltage at the Endstops last night. Could this be a grounding issue? Could I be inducing Voltage as I have the three wires to each Endstop twisted together back to the Stepper Board (just the three wire for one Endstop not all six sets of Endstop wiring)? Just tossing out ideas...any other troubleshooting tips would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!
- Rick
A chicken has a head the size of a walnut. Yet, even it has the sense to come in out of the rain.