Hi all - Just getting started with the Sanguino. I apologize if these questions are the type asked hundreds of times over, but I haven't had much success in finding answers.
- There is a terminal labeled VIN Safe. What does this mean / used for?
- I'm assuming that the terminals labeled VIN are used to provide a constant source of +5v, as opposed to the digital/analog pins that can be turned on/off.
- The breakboard board kit I bought did not come with the sanguino PCB, so the Atmega socket is soldered on to the breakout board. Is it correct to assume that I could solder some female headers to one of the rows of holes on both sides of this socket so I could plug in a regular sanguino board in the future? (Of course I would remove the atmega chip first.
Thank you! Feel free to kick me if these answers can easily be found somewhere.