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RAMPS for Due!

Posted by bobc 
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 26, 2015 02:37PM

I have tried your firmware on a ramps fd which has been modified as per [forums.reprap.org]
When using bobc's firmware, I can turn the printer on and not worry about the extruder turning itself on. With your version, the extruder turns on right away and can't be turned off. I'm using ramps_fd_v2 in the firmware.
I compared your pins.h with bobc's and there are slight differences. Has this happened to anyone before?

I tried to update the pins.h file for ramps_fd with the values from bobc's marlin but the hot end still turns on straight away.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2015 03:04PM by jay_s.

Based in Darlington, North East
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 26, 2015 06:51PM
I didn't bother hacking the MOSFET control on my card, since I couldn't duplicate the problem, ran the V1 definition, and other than fan control being inverted (had to patch that) and running fine . . . considering that the MOSFET inversion is extra code, I would think the V2 def would be fine .

Verify the pinning for the heater . . . the number in pins.h should be the same as the D# you are connected to. You might also verify that you don't have a bad MOSFET . . . (I assume you changed them?) I'm not near my printer at tne moment, but I think RAMPS-FD puts the extruder on D9 and not D10, as per RAMPS-1.4 . . . but please verify that . . .

- Tim

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/26/2015 06:52PM by tadawson.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 26, 2015 06:53PM
Anyway, just merged the changes made by Tim. Thanks!

Triffid Hunter's Calibration Guide --> X <-- Drill for new Monitor Most important Gcode.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 27, 2015 08:24AM

I don't think it's a mosfet problem as it works fine when using bobc's firmware for ramps fd.
I've tried marlin4due with its pin configuration and with the pin configuration from bobc's marlin firmware (by overwriting the values in pins_ramps_fd.h) and both cause the hot end to come on straight away.
Is there anywhere else in the firmware where this would be controlled?

Based in Darlington, North East
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 27, 2015 09:00AM

in the pins_RAMPS_FD.

For V1 they should be normally inverted. What happend when you use RAMPS_FD_V2 instead?

Triffid Hunter's Calibration Guide --> X <-- Drill for new Monitor Most important Gcode.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 27, 2015 12:14PM
I already use RAMPS_FD_V2 as the board has been modified.
I also use V2 in bobc's firmware.
I'll try selecting V1 when I get home and see if the same issue occurs.


Have tried uploading the code using both V1 and V2 and both automatically start the hot end to heat up and it cannot be turned off.
As stated earlier, this does not happen using bobc's firmware

On another note, on line 662 of configuration.h, would it be possible to comment out the spark full graphics as standard? Some people might miss this one and if they don't have the ug8 library installed, the firmware won't compile.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2015 02:28PM by jay_s.

Based in Darlington, North East
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 27, 2015 02:31PM
Have found 1 issue (although this hasn't seemed to have solved it) on line 15 of pins_RAMPS_FD.h, define RAMPS_FD_V2 has been commented out.
Maybe this may have something to do with it?

Based in Darlington, North East
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 27, 2015 02:48PM
The define for RAMPS-FD v2 comes from the board definition in Configuration.h, not pins_RAMPS-FD.h . . . What do you have there? And what output is your extruder on? The way RAMPS-FD uses it's three power inputs makes it a bit different than other things. If you still have an issue (and depending when in time you got Marlin4due), comment out INVERTED_HEATER_PINS or INVERTED_MOSFET_CHANNELS in pins_RAMPS-FD.h, and it will run as typical for all boards *but* the v1.

- Tim
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 27, 2015 05:46PM

Using the version of marlin4due before Wurstnase committed a load of changes, using the ramps_fd_v1 and commenting out the INVERTED_HEATER_PINS allows me to control the hot end successfully and to not have the temperature to come on.
If I try and use the latest version in its unmodified form with only the spark full graphics commented out and the board type changed, I am not able to get any feed back from the controller e.g. running any M code gets no response. Seems as though something is broken in the latest version for me and I don't know what (as there was a load of commits and its my bed time). I can also add I tried it without the watchdog, which is default, and with the watchdog. So something, somewhere is obviously getting stuck.
I await your next suggestion (but a last I can use the previous version of your firmware)

Based in Darlington, North East
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 27, 2015 07:48PM
Check the baud rate in Configuation.h . . . I think one of the changes that got pulled was that they inexplicably altered the comm baud rate to 115200 instead of 250000.

And if commenting out the INVERTED_HEATER_PINS define works, you errantly have the v1 board defined somewhere, and not the v2 . . . that's really the only difference in the code v1 to v2 . . .

I have a separate git tree where I have been doing the work for RAMPS-FD, and if all else fails, you can grab that . . . it's not too far behind what Wurstnasse has (and is where he grabbed my -FD patches from), and I am running it, so know that it works . . .

- Tim

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/27/2015 07:53PM by tadawson.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
August 10, 2015 03:38PM
I've added an eeprom to my ramps. How can I check if its working?

Based in Darlington, North East
Re: RAMPS for Due!
August 10, 2015 10:33PM
Run an M500 to write, and check for errors. M503 to read and verify. Last, change something like M206 or M666, and reboot or recall from EEPROM and verify the changes revert to what you wrote to EEPROM.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2015 10:34PM by tadawson.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
August 11, 2015 02:33AM
Presuming "cxandy" is the reseller or the maker I have requested source files be published somewhere...

Interestingly she does this card?

It seems equal to 1.4 Ramps

I would have preferred withdrawable fuses as FD Ramps
and all Pin SERV Welded present
It also D8 D9 D10 removable

This card can be connected
RepRapDiscount Full Graphic Smart Controller that now use about 1.4

It serves adapter or going forward?

Thank you

www.saviot.com Stampante Prusa I3 R2.2 By Nicola P.
Ramps 1.4 Con FW MarlinKimba Fusore HE IeC 1.75mm Con Flusso Canalizzatore Estrusori BullDog XL
Piano maggiorato 240*311mm pilotato da SSR 24V con letto scaldante autocostruito
Lavori in Corso Prossimetro Autolivellamento Z Gestione Remota Raspberry PI 2 con OctoPrint
Rilevamento ottico Fine Filo Illuminazione e Visione AreaStampa Remotata In costruzione Trafilatore TL-Plastic
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 06:29AM
Good morning all.

I have had my eye on this topic for sometime, but haven't yet taken the plunge to get involved with this board yet, however it seems that 2 years have passed since bobc uploaded version 2.A to the git hub and still the board hasn't properly taken off. It seems a lot of work has been done to the software but the board is still not available. I put this down to the fact that the board is not easily avialable unless you buy a chinese clone which doesn't follow the design and changes are not made public (very frustrating indeed!).

Is there much interest out there in having a few RAMP-FD V2 RevA boards produced which follow the design file on git hub and BOM, or are changes needed?

If the current version is acceptable, I might order a batch and offer a good discount for people who pre-order (so I can get the size of order right first time). I sell a range of open source electronics on eBay in the UK and I always insist on quality of production, i.e. BOM parts sourced from reputable suppliers, good quality pcb etc. I intend to sell pcb, pcb fuse holders, pcb plus all surface mount soldered and fully assembled versions with different prices for each.

Should also mention I will probably order the RAMPS-FD-EXT board as well, so please let me know if people are happy with the version on the git hub before I get them made. Unfortunately, I never learned Ki-CAD so I have no plans to modify the designs myself (unless very trivial to do so). I am happy to consider better choices for componenets if there are any mistakes in the choices found in the files on git hub?

If enough people express some interest in this, I will set up a new topic in the "for sale" section to free this board.

Many Thanks

See my range of open source 3d printer electronics for sale here: [stores.ebay.co.uk]
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 06:38AM
Bear in mind that for only $50 you can buy a Replikeo Duet, which is roughly equivalent to an Arduino Due + RAMPS-FD + 4 A4982 drivers, plus it has digital stepper motor current control and an Ethernet port that provides a good web interface. It's hard to compete with that sort of price. That's the main reason I gave up developing a low-cost 32-bit controller board.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 07:43AM
Interesting this Replikeo Duet

But many seek board 32Bit compatible with Firmware Marlin or MarlinKimba
And this card does not seem to be compatible with this firmware

For these many seek basic boards Ramps but DUE
Type Ramps FD Smart Ramps or Radds

I do not know if we should start production Ramps FD V2 Rev A
in but actually it seems single open hardware compatible with FW Marlin available at the time.

www.saviot.com Stampante Prusa I3 R2.2 By Nicola P.
Ramps 1.4 Con FW MarlinKimba Fusore HE IeC 1.75mm Con Flusso Canalizzatore Estrusori BullDog XL
Piano maggiorato 240*311mm pilotato da SSR 24V con letto scaldante autocostruito
Lavori in Corso Prossimetro Autolivellamento Z Gestione Remota Raspberry PI 2 con OctoPrint
Rilevamento ottico Fine Filo Illuminazione e Visione AreaStampa Remotata In costruzione Trafilatore TL-Plastic
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 08:00AM
"but actually it seems single open hardware compatible with FW Marlin available at the time."

Exactly the reason I made the post. Unless anyone is aware of any others?

With that in mind, who is looking for a pcb or assembled board right now?
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 08:23AM
It Smart Ramps and Radds not Open Hardware

Only Open hardware compatible with 32Bit Marlin Ramps FD Rev 2a

www.saviot.com Stampante Prusa I3 R2.2 By Nicola P.
Ramps 1.4 Con FW MarlinKimba Fusore HE IeC 1.75mm Con Flusso Canalizzatore Estrusori BullDog XL
Piano maggiorato 240*311mm pilotato da SSR 24V con letto scaldante autocostruito
Lavori in Corso Prossimetro Autolivellamento Z Gestione Remota Raspberry PI 2 con OctoPrint
Rilevamento ottico Fine Filo Illuminazione e Visione AreaStampa Remotata In costruzione Trafilatore TL-Plastic
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 09:50AM
Thanks for reply, as far as I can tell, neither are open source. I can find them for sale but the problem with these boards from China is, you never know what you are going to get. No schematic and no certainty that you are getting the same board as everyone else has becuase designs often vary slightly from seller to seller with no explanation.

So who is there any interest in RAMPS FD REV2A pcb or assembled boards out there?
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 09:57AM
I had some RAMPS-FD V2 Ver A.1 made in the last 2 weeks.

If anybody wants a bare pcb PM me with your address and quantity.
open | download - RAMPS-FD V2 Ver A.1.jpg (265.4 KB)
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 11:14AM
... I'm actually using (and developing with) the RADDS boards and Marlin4Due firmware.

It's not exactly 'closed' -- the schematics are published here: [www.dr-henschke.de]

Aufruf zum Projekt "Müll-freie Meere" - [reprap.org] -- Deutsche Facebook-Gruppe - [www.facebook.com]

Call for the project "garbage-free seas" - [reprap.org]
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 11:24AM
"but actually it seems single open hardware compatible with FW Marlin available at the time."

Exactly the reason I made the post. Unless anyone is aware of any others?

With that in mind, who is looking for a pcb or assembled board right now?

That's a bit like saying you want to run MSDOS and have no intention of trying Linux or Windows. Marlin was state-of-the-art once, but as is the way with most software, it's got stuck in a rut and is being replaced by better firmwares designed for modern hardware, such as RepRapFirmware and Smoothieware. Some day these will become obsolete too, but for now they are state-of-the-art.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 11:56AM
True (I also make smoothieboard and it is great) but a lot of people like Marlin (and MSDOS for that matter) so people still want hardware that runs what they are used to.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
September 02, 2015 12:04PM
Dan make an Implementaion -> RADDS to RepRap Firmware (Duet).
Looks good in this Time (Stable Temperature, Steps ...).

Mein Club: [hackerspace-ffm.de]
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial [max3dshop.org]
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 11, 2015 08:20AM
Hi i saw in your github an expansion for extra steppers, did you ever make one?. i can't seem to find any info about it.

so i have now read most of this thread, i am looking at getting 32 bit more my new 3d printer, i will need 7 steppers. that rules our radds.
the duet with expansion is expensive, at least in aud$....
i am happy to do some R&D with this and see if we can get it back to how it was before bobc left. i don't have any experience with the 32bit reprap firmware. do you guys who worked on it before think we should get it going again?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2015 05:05PM by bradleyk.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 11, 2015 05:59PM
RADDS actually has an expansion board that gives 2 extra stepper drivers (8 in total) and is pretty easy to make at home. I am not sure if it has any firmware support though.
But yeah, it breaks my heart to see how RAMPS-FD project was abandoned and sold by geeetech as-is in kinda zombie-state.
I had a friend who was about to buy geeetech ramps-fd only because it is the cheapest 32-bit board. My point is unless you've read this forum throughly you may be not aware that geeetech ramps-fd is total crap.
If it would only work as intended. No offence to the original developers of ramps-fd though, I know it is totally not their fault, but geeetech being an ass capitalising on other peoples' beta designs.
Getting it going again is a great thing. And firmware is practically there: RADDS uses the same Arduino DUE and has RepRapFirmware running stable, thanks to dcnewman. My guess would be you'll need to change pin assignments and set some stuff inverted (he-he).
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 11, 2015 06:13PM
Duet gives you built in Ethernet connectivity with web interface and fast file upload to the SD card, software-controlled stepper motor currents, and an on board 2A switching regulator capable of driving external loads including PanelDue. RADDS doesn't provide those things, but does have the option of the nice but expensive RAPS128 stepper drivers. Take your pick. Both are a big step up from Arduino/RAMPS and similar.

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 13, 2015 06:31AM
Dc42 I would love to get the duet and expansion. But the aud is crap. 150£ is 300aud plus shipping.

Toxuin that is cool. I didn't see a link for it. Is it in the wiki?
It would be cool to get this fixed and going again. I just have to decide if I want Ethernet or not.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 13, 2015 07:12AM
Duet is a cool nearly all in one Solution.
RADDS is a modular Solution and RADDS is more expensive as Duet.

You have to Buy:
1xArduino Due
1x RADDS v1.5
1x RADDS Extension Board
7x Stepperdriver (we recomand for RADDS the RAPS128)
Additional a PanelDue or a RADDS-LCD
252.90 Euro -> 180 £ with german TAX

And without W-Lan
(we do not spend Arduino Due CPU power for WLAN.
Buy a additional Raspi, a UDOO or a Tablet If you need W-Lan)

Mein Club: [hackerspace-ffm.de]
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial [max3dshop.org]
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 13, 2015 08:08AM
And without W-Lan
(we do not spend Arduino Due CPU power for WLAN.
Buy a additional Raspi, a UDOO or a Tablet If you need W-Lan)

There is a thread in the Developers section describing how to add a $3 ESP8266 board to a RADDS to get wifi. It won't give you fast upload to the SD card like the Duet does, but for controlling the printer from a tablet instead of using an LCD, it may be adequate. I don't believe RADDS has an onboard 5V regulator, so you would need to provide external 5V power, because the regulator on the Arduino Due can's supply enough current for an ESP8266.

Angelo, have you considered including a 5V switching regulator on the RADDS, like the Duet does and the Smoothieboard has as an option?

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
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