Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 22, 2014 04:36AM
Hi Ceflar,

you and bobc make a great job. Thank you to help to develop the Arduino/32-bit Electronic for the reprap.
Duet and smothieboard are also fine Arduino/32-bit Solution, but static or not enough posibillities.
I would like to work with UDOO-Quad, so only with RAMPS-FD and RADDS I have today the posibillity.
I think, that we are pioneers, and in 2-3 years 32-bit becomes a Standard for reprap or 3dprinter Electronic.

The new RAMPS-FD features looks fantastic.
The security Feature are very great for RAMPS-FD.

If you make some prototypes for RAMPS-FD v3 I would like to buy and Test it.
So I can speak directly with "repetier" to add it without errors in the repetier-firmware distribution.
"repetier" and I never has touch or seen a RAMPS-FD :-(

We use now only Watchdog for RADDS (it is working good now, thank you xnaron, vincent, martin and "repetier")...
If only the Arduino Due is broken by the RADDS, the possibility, that the Hotend /heatbad etc... becomes hotter and hotter is high.

Also if we have a new Arduino Due with the standard "Blinker" Firmware (GND, PIN13) and we put the RADDS and give them 12/24 Volt Power,
Imeadiatly the Hotend begin to become wormer and wormer. Maybe you can look for FAMPS-FD v3 to check the PIN13, please.

A drive transistor Regulator is also a good feature for RAMPS-FD. If i give RADDS 24 Volt, I have only the possibility to give the l12 Volt fan-out on repetier-firmware...
#define EXT0_EXTRUDER_COOLER_SPEED 100 // to ca. 80%. max 128 not 255
It is work, but not the finest solution for that ...

In the RADDS v1.2 we have modifications like a dc-dc for 12-29 Volt and on the backside we put 6 x 3SMD-Switch to have the possibility to change the Microsteppingrate,
without to breake the "Electronic- lines" like RADDS v1.1 etc..
The first RADDS v1.2 prototype test it is going not so good.
Now we make a optimisation and we hope to get a good RADDS v1.2 at the end of the year ...
It would also be a little bit expensiver :-(
By the Way, If someone like aditional Features that make sense, please write us via PM.

By the way, I am looking for an Reseller for the US Market.
Less then 1 KG (1 or 2 RADDS) I can send it for 15 Euro ( Maxibrief + Einschreiben without Tracking-ID).

For the Logic, the most US Citizen like the Set = 1xRADDSLCD+RADDS+4x1/128 Microstepperdriver+3xHall-O Endstops (5-3,3 Volt) and sometimes the Extension Board for the Kraken Hotend,
so we get a very high Shipping Rate and it will be more of one Week for delivering Time.

I would like to get only resellers, that have a deep Knowledge for 3D-Printing.
So we have the Posibility to make a very good Support for the us-reprapers.
(If eveyone look writing errors, I say Thank you in advance to reporting it via PM).

Can some reprap-dealer help us?

Thank you

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/22/2014 04:45AM by angelo.

Mein Club: []
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial []
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 23, 2014 04:32PM
... and in 2-3 years 32-bit becomes a Standard for reprap or 3dprinter

I agree, the 8 bit solutions are obsolete.

Btw you can get a single board that integrates the Arduino Due, the stepper drivers, heater mosfets, SD card socket etc. It's called the Duet electronics. One of the really nice things about it is that it also has an Ethernet port, so the firmware that is normally run on it provides a web interface as well as USB.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 28, 2014 01:36PM
I just wanted to bump this thread. It seems like someone is paying attention. The Chinese have already modified the ramps for due action. I wonder if it will works properly.

Here is a link []

One thing to note though is that the firmware taking advantage of the DUE power seems to be still in infancy. I wonder if it is worth trying. I have been eyeballing the RADDS sheild and it looks great, kind of like a ramps successor with 3 extruders instead of 2 and 128 microsteps available. Although at this point I would love to see some more powerful stepper drivers on these. I know some exist, but can you trust the traces on these boards to supply 2-3 times the amperage of a normal ramps?

My Personal Blog. Build blog.

Modicum V1 sold on e-bay user jaguarking11
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 29, 2014 01:30AM
typical though... no docs, no cct's no component lists, nothing!
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 29, 2014 06:20AM
Hi again,
I like to test Bobc `s RAMPS-FD.
With the cool securityfeatures (thank you Cefiar) and maybe an EEPROM on board
(I have heared that it is an EEPROM now on the newer RAMPS-FD, right ?).
That can be Important for my target electronic-Setup.

@dc42 Duett, Azteeg X5 mini 32BIT All-in-one Controller and Smoothieboard are, so I think, very cool Boards, but for personaly for me not so Important.
First I would like to work with Repetier-firmware (v 0.92 now realy stable with Due and 1/128) because repetier is a friend of my and so I have so a PREMIUM SUPPORT :-).
At Least I will run also my Printes with a UDOO Quad board (not with a Arduino Due).
Then I will run with 1/128 Microstepper and 2-3 Hotend-extruders and one silence permanent fan for the Metall Hotend and a second for individual Filamentcooling.
Also I am a friend, that I like to give the electronic 12 Volt and the Heatbed + Stepperdrivers (1/128) 24 Volt.
(So it is possible for no extra cooling fan for Electronic needed+1/128 RRD Silencioso a large alu-cooling so also no cooling need for Nema17 since 2A)
As Result I have a stabe (Without USB-Cable and seperate CPU`s, RADDS stable since 15 Ampaire and no cooling Problems ...),
Flexible, nearly Loudness (only PowerSupplyFan, Fan for Filamentcooling, mechanical nois for my Living-Room space (Wife-Problem-Workaround ;-))),
very soft,smooth printing (1/128) and Modular Electronic Solution.This Electronic-Setup is nearly enough for great Printresults.
It is only for my Individual Setup. The Advance with an Modular Electronic way is, that everyone can assamble his own Electronic as they need.
Disadvantage is, that is more complicated to Install and assamble it. So more for the advanced reprapers and not so for beginners (without manual, help, etc..).

RAMPS-FD can also nearly make it for my Setup if it is work.
It was design for Bobc (theoreticaly it can not be a bad electronic:-)) And for this that was interesst me.

@jaguarking11 Thank you for this Advice. I have not knowing it for a maybe a 3rd possibility.
I have buy the smart ramps for testing it. It Is generally not so Important for my Setup (5 Motors, only 1 controlled Fan out etc...).
But maybe I can have other expiriance with it.
If it is ok, I will give an Impression - Topic of it.
If it is not ok I will not post any comments/Topics ;-)
(Maybe to Hot, so fancooling is a must have :-(,
maybe max. 10Ampaire,
maybe bad slodered -> fast broken components,
maybe not compatible with Firmware,
maybe unstable etc...).

Nobody, that give me an assambled, newer RAMPS-FD Version for Testing it (also we can change RAMPS-FD with RADDS++Components).

Have Fun and thank you

Mein Club: []
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial []
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 29, 2014 10:18AM
Angelo. Sei Italiano?

In either case, I agree there seems to be no documentation for the ramps for due from that supplier. I know some have modified the normal ramps for DUE, but they show no pictures of the modifications. I like the DUE because it can use a relatively inexpensive. ~20$, the due has much more processing power than a mega, while still going with a modular board setup, which lends itself more to hacking and less expense if it goes bad. ~35bux for a bad board vs ~100-200$USD for a bad all in one controller.

My Personal Blog. Build blog.

Modicum V1 sold on e-bay user jaguarking11
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 29, 2014 10:22AM

@dc42 Duett, ...
Also I am a friend, that I like to give the electronic 12 Volt and the Heatbed + Stepperdrivers (1/128) 24 Volt.
(So it is possible for no extra cooling fan for Electronic needed+1/128 RRD Silencioso a large alu-cooling so also no cooling need for Nema17 since 2A)

Worth noting that the Duet board can be also be run from 24V. It doesn't need active cooling for stepper motor currents up to about 1.2A, heated bed current up to at least 10A, and hot end currents up to at least 4A. I also run a permanent hot end cooling fan and a variable-speed print cooling fan from mine.

Do you think 1/128 microstepping offers any significant advantages over 1/16?

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 29, 2014 10:34AM
Do you think 1/128 microstepping offers any significant advantages over 1/16?

From what I have seen on videos, its more about smoothness of movement than resolution. With 128th your basically making the steppers run in a fluid motion and reducing jerk. The problem right now with ramps 1.4 and specifically delta printers is that you really tax the cpu. If you have a full graphics display, a large delta printer and anything over 1/16th you are basically running out of resources. On my particular setup, running marlin FW and the discount LCD it prints fine on my large delta printer, but the jog dial is a bit unresponsive when printing and trying to make speed adjustments or temp adjustments on the fly. The CPU seems taxed enough just during the print. Also anything over 300mm/s seems to throw the printer into a frenzy on my setup. Even homing is a problem over 300mm/s. I suspect the mega R3 I have is not powerful enough or my motors are running out of torque.

My Personal Blog. Build blog.

Modicum V1 sold on e-bay user jaguarking11
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 29, 2014 10:43AM
Thank you for your infos.

By the way, is this a serious question?
"Do you think 1/128 microstepping offers any significant advantages over 1/16?"
(I hope your question is serious and not meant to be kidding me, right?)

At first, to catch the signals a A4988 needs 1microsec. (DrRV8825 1.8micsec). The opto+ thb6128 ( up to1/128 microsteps) nano-secunds.
So it is possible to use the full signaling Speed (95KHz) with the due /ramps-fd or radds etc... combination).

Second is you have a softer dynamic and a better positioning.
Needed at least for better printresult.
We have test the most frequent stepperdrivers.
Please look or google comments about declay, signalingspeed, etc...

OK. No new Ramps-FD for me, Please?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/29/2014 11:12AM by angelo.

Mein Club: []
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial []
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 30, 2014 04:07PM
Yes, it was a serious question. I've watched your YouTube video, and whilst it demonstrates the effect of finer microstepping on a stepper motor with a long pointer attached, I don't think it proves that finer microstepping is of any benefit on a typical 3D printer.

On my printer, using 1/16 microstepping, the resolution is about 0.011mm per microstep in the XY plane and 0.00025 mm per microstep in the Z direction. With an extrusion width of 0.3mm, finer microstepping won't provide any noticeable improvement in resolution. The moment of inertia of of the stepper motor rotor, and the mass of the bed and print head coupled with the elasticity of the belt drive, mean that it is most unlikely that there will be any improvement in smoothness either.

btw some (perhaps most) firmwares generate stepper motor pulses at irregular intervals, when the motion in the XY plane is not directly along the X or Y axis. This is a much bigger source of non-smoothness.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/2014 04:14PM by dc42.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 30, 2014 04:52PM
Hi dc42,

In generaly you have to 100% right.
Firmware-tuning is more important as micros...

Maybe a stable frame, perfect linearguides, e precisious hotend ( i have see your worldprepss with a great compliment and maximum respect. Very good job, thanks), a fast electronic, and if you have all this components, i think you are able to tune up at least the Firmware.

Everybody has to answer bis own questions. What i will do With it? How good, how long, what about The budget etc...

Form this thinking, Every printersolution vor setup has bis value.

I personally would like to print funktional and nice to see toys for my childrens. For this, Pappa will be The best.

If i had only to print functional peaces Prusa+rumba enough :-), and if not work a Metall fail do the Rest of this job ;-)

Mein Club: []
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial []
Re: RAMPS for Due!
October 30, 2014 05:58PM
Honestly for me its a tossup. The firmware tuning is slowly getting there. However in the deltabot realm the current firmware is fine if you want to print toys as Angelo pointed out. However the practical sense of the matter is that you can only do so much with the way we have these printers designed. I looked at getting a lashles deltabot setup. The cost would be sky high. No more belts and direct drive worm gear in the 20mm thick range to ensure stability. At those points, the freaking machine would cost as much as a car. However I have faith in some newer designs and new availability of hardware to cut costs considerably down. To keep precision on these newer designs higher microstepping is required as the sides would be directly driven by the motor. No longer relying on pulley action, with very coarse machined screws which would mean 360 degree turn would equal 5-8mm depending on pitch and thread size, to regain the resolution it would be necesary to have over 1/16 microstepping. Also the higher frequenceis tend to cause less interference with other electronics.

I may be blowing this out my butt, but its my thought train on the matter. Correct me if I am wrong.

My Personal Blog. Build blog.

Modicum V1 sold on e-bay user jaguarking11
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 02, 2014 08:51PM
The Chinese modified can worked properly. Firmware support Repetier (due) and Marlin (due).

Here is a link []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/02/2014 08:52PM by cxandy.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 03, 2014 12:33AM
Presuming "cxandy" is the reseller or the maker I have requested source files be published somewhere...
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 03, 2014 12:59AM
Presuming "cxandy" is the reseller or the maker I have requested source files be published somewhere...

SMART RAMPS uses the allmost same pin definitions as 1.4.
Here are the pin definitions for this board.
#if MOTHERBOARD == 408
#ifndef __SAM3X8E__
#error Oops! Make sure you have 'Arduino Due' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.

* Arduino Due Pin Assignments

#define ORIG_X_STEP_PIN 54
#define ORIG_X_DIR_PIN 55
#define ORIG_X_MIN_PIN 3
#define ORIG_X_MAX_PIN 2
#define ORIG_X_ENABLE_PIN 38

#define ORIG_Y_STEP_PIN 60
#define ORIG_Y_DIR_PIN 61
#define ORIG_Y_MIN_PIN 14
#define ORIG_Y_MAX_PIN 15
#define ORIG_Y_ENABLE_PIN 56

#define ORIG_Z_STEP_PIN 46
#define ORIG_Z_DIR_PIN 48
#define ORIG_Z_MIN_PIN 18
#define ORIG_Z_MAX_PIN 19
#define ORIG_Z_ENABLE_PIN 62

// Note that on the Due pin A0 on the board is channel 2 on the ARM chip
#define HEATER_0_PIN 10
#define TEMP_0_PIN 11 // Due analog pin #
#define HEATER_1_PIN 8
#define TEMP_1_PIN 12 // Due analog pin #
#define HEATER_2_PIN 9
#define TEMP_2_PIN 13 // Due analog pin #

#define ORIG_E0_STEP_PIN 26
#define ORIG_E0_DIR_PIN 28
#define ORIG_E0_ENABLE_PIN 24

#define ORIG_E1_STEP_PIN 36
#define ORIG_E1_DIR_PIN 34
#define ORIG_E1_ENABLE_PIN 30

#define SDPOWER -1
#define SDSS 53 // 10 if using HW SPI. 53 if using SW SPI
#define LED_PIN 13
#define ORIG_FAN_PIN 9
#define PS_ON_PIN 12
#define KILL_PIN -1
#define SUICIDE_PIN -1 //PIN that has to be turned on right after start, to keep power flowing.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2014 02:07AM by cxandy.
open | download - smartRamps.png (89.8 KB)
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 03, 2014 01:09AM
That cct says that your still using the same mosfets as the original ramps, which im told will not work for 3.3v logic, unless you voltage shift back to 5v, and there is no cct for that...

There are also two additional jumpers that aren’t documented (one looks to disable D1)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/2014 01:15AM by Dust.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 03, 2014 01:17AM
That cct says that your still using the same mosfets as the original ramps, which im told will not work for 3.3v logic, unless you voltage shift back to 5v, and there is no cct for that...

There are also two additional jumpers that aren’t documented (one looks to disable D1)

sorry, I changed mosfets type , IRLB8743
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 07, 2014 10:37AM
Just to clarify, what kind of firmware would support the DUE/Ramps combo? I have not seen much if anything support that particular setup. Anyone? I would love to try this thing at some point.

My Personal Blog. Build blog.

Modicum V1 sold on e-bay user jaguarking11
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 07, 2014 10:58AM
Just to clarify, what kind of firmware would support the DUE/Ramps combo? I have not seen much if anything support that particular setup. Anyone? I would love to try this thing at some point.

I've been using repetier on my Due/RAMPS-FD with no serious problems. I also had tried aprinter, which I chose not to use - I think because I wanted to use repetier host, and obviously that works better with their own firmware.

To make my RAMPS board work, I had to modify the circuit board AREF pullup - I don't know if there is simpler way to do that. That happens if you try to use 5V digital logic, which I had to use because I am using external stepper motor drivers that require 5V logic. If you're just using 3V logic and DRV8825 boards or whatever, you probably won't need to.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
November 07, 2014 11:00AM
Just to clarify, what kind of firmware would support the DUE/Ramps combo? I have not seen much if anything support that particular setup. Anyone? I would love to try this thing at some point.

I've been using repetier on my Due/RAMPS-FD with no serious problems. I also had tried aprinter, which I chose not to use - I think because I wanted to use repetier host, and obviously that works better with their own firmware.

To make my RAMPS board work, I had to modify the circuit board AREF pullup - I don't know if there is simpler way to do that. That happens if you try to use 5V digital logic, which I had to use because I am using external stepper motor drivers that require 5V logic. If you're just using 3V logic and DRV8825 boards or whatever, you probably won't need to.

Well then, now I have new hope. Not bad. I may take a shot at running repetier then.

My Personal Blog. Build blog.

Modicum V1 sold on e-bay user jaguarking11
Re: RAMPS for Due!
January 14, 2015 01:44PM
Does the "smart ramps" have a due-compatible firmware with support for this board (408) yet?
Can I just add this to bobc's firmware? I just got my smart ramps, I'll try it when I get a chance.
I see the SD card should work, does the standard LCD/SD card reader combo work? (I'll solder the aux-4 header pins)
Also the same question for the rrd fan extender?
Re: RAMPS for Due!
February 15, 2015 06:28AM
The Chinese modified can worked properly. Firmware support Repetier (due) and Marlin (due).

Here is a link []

Hi cxandy,
Thanks for pointing out this new board. I would like to seize this opportunity to explain to you how selling the idea of a new product goes in the RepRap world.
Basically, you cannot take the design from an existing open-source product (i.e. RAMPS 1.4), modify it slightly, and sell it as your own design.
You (in other words, the developer or the manufacturer) have to make public both the schematics, Bill-of-Materials and PCB layout (Gerber) files for this new RAMPS-for-Due board.
Yes, there is a risk and even the high probability that another Chinese manufacturer will copy your product and sell it cheaper than you. You will lose market share and you will have to lower your prices.
But, that's how it goes in the RepRap world. There are ways, however, to keep your market leadership, basically by providing proper support and improving your services to your clients.
PM me if you are interested in pursuing this dialogue, as this is really off-topic for this forum.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
February 15, 2015 06:40AM
Does the "smart ramps" have a due-compatible firmware with support for this board (408) yet?
Can I just add this to bobc's firmware? I just got my smart ramps, I'll try it when I get a chance.
I see the SD card should work, does the standard LCD/SD card reader combo work? (I'll solder the aux-4 header pins)
Also the same question for the rrd fan extender?

Nick, until this product is properly open-sourced, I would refrain from asking questions about it in this RepRap forum and in this thread.
Either PM or e-mail whomever sold it to you and check how much support you manage to get from them (I am rather curious about that).
To me it is rather obvious that modifying the RAMPS 1.4 design slightly and then selling it as your own without respecting the original open source license is the equivalent of stealing i.e. it is both illegal and immoral.
And we (RepRappers) all stand to lose if this is encouraged in any way.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
February 19, 2015 08:22AM
I have finally received my RAMPS-FD from Geetech. My observations so far are:

- It's a bit dirty and missing jumpers (particularly for microstep configuration), as was observed by Dust. No pins were bent.
- Bed heater (D8) and first two extruder heaters (D9, D10) work (haven't tested D11). I've installed a heatsink to the bed mosfet (the one from RAMPS). It's running pretty cool; heatsink temperature slightly above 50C. Compare that to >100C for my RAMPS1.4 without a fan.
- FET5 and FET6 work. HOWEVER, they are fully activated in the default state of the respective pins on the MCU (I think it's high impedance). This pretty bad; my fans go crazy every time I reprogram the chip (they're very powerful, and normally only run at 15%).
- The first 5 steppers work (I don't have a sixth driver).
- X-min, Y-min, Y-max, Z-max work.
- Z-min does NOT work; it always reads as closed. I'm fairly confident it's a problem with the board because the same setup except for the RAMPS-FD worked before. Don't know about X-max.
- THERM0-THERM2 work (haven't tested THERM3).

метални врати блиндирани врати метални решетки
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 22, 2015 06:19PM
I'm currently porting bobc's changes he made to marlin into a copy of the latest version.
I've got it compiling and have loaded it on my due and I can connect to it from pronterface.
The only thing I need to do now is update the fastio.h file with all the correct pin outs. So if anyone fancies giving me a hand, drop me a PM and i'll share a link to google drive.
Once I know its working, I plan to move it into github to allow for syncing of changes from the main repo

Based in Darlington, North East
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 22, 2015 10:47PM
Are you aware of Marlin4Due, which has a thread in Firmware-Experimental-Borrowed-Future? This has already been done by Wurstnasse, and is available on GitHub, if you want to avoid duplicating too much effort . . .

And, FWIW, I'm running it now. I had to make a few changes for the V1 RAMPS-FD to get more than just the heaters to invert control (I use chassis fans, and a layer fan . . . That wasn't done, but I have submitted the patches, and also have my variant on GitHub . . .).

@Citana . . . no problems with the endstops on mine, and my board (also Geeetech) was pristine. I changed the MOSFETS to the specified devices, and have no need of any heatsinks . . . oh, and I replaced the power input connectors - they were a tad small for the 10ga wire I use for heaters and such . . . also built up a 4 pin mini board that gives me a plug on EEPROM . . .

- Tim

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2015 03:01PM by tadawson.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 23, 2015 08:05AM
I did not know that.

Taking a look now

Based in Darlington, North East
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 23, 2015 03:00PM
Take a look, and join in the madness! I think Wurstnasse is on a Prusa i3 with a RADDS, and I am on a Kossel with RAMPS-FD v1 . . . I may get a few v2 boards etched, but for short runs, it's about $25/each, plus parts and time to build, so not sure yet . . .

- Tim

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2015 03:02PM by tadawson.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 23, 2015 03:26PM
I'm on a CoreXY smiling smiley Btw. thanks for the small hint in your fork formthe fullgraphic. Just got mine to work for the RADDS.

Triffid Hunter's Calibration Guide --> X <-- Drill for new Monitor Most important Gcode.
Re: RAMPS for Due!
July 23, 2015 05:36PM
What did you end up doing? On the Delta, the U8Glib routines still introduce brutal pauses in effector motion . . . to the point that just a simple 'G1 Z0 F4000' occurs as three separatemoves with a full stop in between. I had seen some efforts to introduce delays in thr 'stock' Marlin 7290 function, but have not been able to find a combination that works correctly with the Due . . . . I *do* note that Repetier has a conditional and uses significantly different code for the graphic LCD on Due. . .

But yeah, my patch in GIT gives a beautiful display, other than that . . .

- Tim
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