How many Nema17's could an A4988 run?
November 24, 2013 08:27PM
Say if I were to build multiple delta printers and wanted to run them all at the same time printing the same thing, how many could run off the same electronics? Could I run 4 steppers off the same controller?

I am under the impression we don't use all the torque a Nema17 can supply and delta printers are even lighter on the motors...?
Re: How many Nema17's could an A4988 run?
November 25, 2013 07:50AM
In theory with the right motors / right voltages / right torques, you probably could run a hundred motors on an A4988. They would not run very fast or turn very hard at all.

The idea on a Delta usually is to go mighty fast. That's going to take torque to speed up / slow down. Next up would be that they often use high current motors (for what ever reason). That's the wrong motor if you are going to parallel a bunch of them up. You want to start with low current motors.

Best approach is likely a compromise. Get some 0.5A motors and run them at 1/2 current. Put a 32V supply on your control board and a fan on it. See how far you can go.
Re: How many Nema17's could an A4988 run?
November 28, 2013 01:48PM
With higher voltage driving the motors you could also wire them in series. You might get a bit less speed but total torque would be better. Or some combination of series and parallel.
Re: How many Nema17's could an A4988 run?
November 28, 2013 06:19PM
Series wired motors can (but may not) get you into some interesting damping issues. I'd stick with parallel wired stepper motors.
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