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allegro motor driver

Posted by ZachHoeken 
allegro motor driver
July 12, 2007 01:29PM
on a suggestion from a previous thread, i looked up the allegro motor driver. it seems like a really rad piece of electronics. i dont know much about this stuff yet, but i did notice that it handles up to 3A, and 50V, as well as being available in PDIP packaging!


it seems like a good candidate for the v2.0 board, although that is likely to be at least 6 months down the road. feel free to discuss =)
Anonymous User
Re: allegro motor driver
July 13, 2007 04:13AM
You are aware that the A3959 is a single phase driver used for brushed servo's? Might want to look at the A3972 or A3992 instead...

Anonymous User
Re: allegro motor driver
July 13, 2007 05:48AM
Hmmm, the A3972 and A3992 both have a serial interface. Might be a bit of a pain to get them working. But they are the only PDIP parts they have that can source some currrent. Sanken makes nice drivers too, although they are all unipolar. Take a look at the SLA7052M for instance (even if it is way overkill for the steppers RepRap uses, and costs a lot). And STMicro has a whole series of drivers as well. The L6207 is nice. The easiest SMTable part allegro has is the A3982. It is a SOIC-24 part, they aren't too difficult to solder (pin spacing is 1.27mm or 50 mils, pad width is 0.6mm). That's a lot easier than some of the QFN parts they have.

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