Anonymous User
stepper motor test board questions
July 14, 2007 10:05PM
So I sat down to stuff one of Zach's nice stepper motor tester boards. Now you would think that you couldn't get in any trouble with a board that has 4 LEDs 2 resistors and a connector, but you would be wrong.

My first problem is that I am short 1 560 ohm resistor, I double checked the mouser order and it shows quantity ordered 2. The "kit" of power-comm, stepper tester, stepper/extruder cards, and optos appears to need 3.
I copy pasted the BOM to the mouser site, so it looks like we may not be 100% on the new BOM database stuff. This is certainly not a big deal, but if you don't know that it is broken you can't fix it.

Now I come to my second puzzle. The instructions for building the stepper tester are for the strip board version. The components are the same, but the connector is mounted parallel to the circuit board. On the PCB I have through holes for the connector, but the connector mounts perpendicular to the circuit board. So the question of the hour is do I simply put the connector on the board on the front side (silkscreen side) of the board, this means that the LEDs are face down when the tester is plugged into the stepper controller board, mount it from the back side which makes sense if you want to see the LEDs, or do I take a run at reforming the connector leads to make it a 90 degree connector to match the strip board. Rather than guess who has the right answer?
Anonymous User
Re: stepper motor test board questions
July 15, 2007 12:35AM
Put it on the back, the side where it makes sense. I don't have one of these, but I've seen a picture around here somewhere with it mounted on the back. On a professionally made board, the holes are plated through so you can attach it to either side you like. With the stripboard version, there's only copper on one side, so mounting it on the back wasn't an option.
Anonymous User
Re: stepper motor test board questions
July 15, 2007 12:43AM
If you have seen one that works with the connector backside mounted that is great.
What I can't tell, because I haven't got a stuffed stepper board is whether there is any interference with the components on the the stepper board. If you can find the picture it should get added to the assembly instructions for the board.
Thanks for the help.

Anonymous User
Re: stepper motor test board questions
July 15, 2007 11:23AM
It's not a picture, but there's a video of Zach's stepper tester in the builder blog on June 11. Electrically, the tester board will work equally well if you plug it in so that it's overhanging the board or if you plug it in backwards so it's dangling out in space. Mechanically, I suspect you're right about it bumping into a chip or a heat sink if you let the board hang over the stepper board, so do it the other way.
Re: stepper motor test board questions
July 15, 2007 12:06PM
yeah, very sorry about the mixup on the resistors. it has been fixed now, so the BOM generates the full list of components. i dont have pictures of a fully assembled one, but i do have a picture of how the connector is supposed to be mounted in:


you basically just put it in on the bottom, and put the rest in on the silkscreen side. then you plug it into the board with the tester hanging off the side.

one nice thing about the tester board is that you can use it to test any of the outputs. you can test the stepper board, the extruder board (both the 4 pin output, as well as the TIP110 heater output) the LED simply lights up when the transistor is on.
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