I was wondering if there is anyone that has a simple xy laser setup wtih teacup and what solution do they use to fire the laser and set power. I have a Yun I want to try to use. Also any links to the laser part of teacup would be great. I dont need any temp monitoring or any other axis or hotends beds etc. so hopefully it can get gutted.
I was hoping to run the Yun straight to a set of Geckodrives and 2 wires to the laser that would pretty much be it no shield needed? I may use a few cheap drivers to mess around at first.
Also any tricks I may be able to do with a Yun and the webserver/linux part?
So far I think I needabout 12 pins:
2 step pins
2 dir pins
2 enable pins
2 endstop pins
2 communication pins (maybe not needed with Yun wifi etc?)
1 pin for pmw laser power
1 pin for laser on off
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/14/2015 12:06AM by ghost2501.