One of my techzone stepper drivers (X-Axis) blew through so I replaced it with a Makerbot driver. Now the Makerbot driver doesn't move the axis at all. The power led is on and nothing happens.
Also another of my techzone drivers stopped working. When it is powered on without the MB connected it looks normal. Power led green. As soon as I connect the MB, all other led's come on and the driver gets a little warm. When I reset the MB, all driver led's come of again except the power and then come on again a second later.
The third techzone driver is the only one currently working.
Everything is hooked up to a 12V line of a ATX PSU. Before the driver blew all the axis where moving fine, I just needed to reverse a stepper coil because it was moving in the wrong direrection when the driver went up in flames. I didn't switch the PSU off so I guess this was my fault.
Now why the heck doesn't the new makerbot driver work? Is it possible the MB got damaged as well when the techzone driver failed?