Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 17, 2017 09:57AM
Understandable. I just noticed that dcnewman has not made an update on his fork in quite some time.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 17, 2017 11:44AM
Hi everyone,

DC42, we will test the firmware for you !
1.17a firmware works great for me.
1.17b is useless for me, so I will wait 1.17c that is "stable" for Duet.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 17, 2017 12:52PM
I've put an untested RADDS build of 1.17c on github. But I don't know why 1.17b would not work for you when 1.17a does.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 17, 2017 01:27PM
1.17b has been working OK for me.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 18, 2017 04:30AM
Thanks I will test your 1.17c tonight.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 18, 2017 03:01PM
I can't upgrade to 1.17c.

Log with Pronterface :
Printer is now online.
>>> M115
>>> M997 S0
Heat class exited.
Move class exited.
Move class exited.
Updating main firmware
[ERROR] Can't read from printer (disconnected?) (SerialException): call to ClearCommError failed
Printer is now online.
>>> M115

The firmware file is still in the sys folder.
Same result with Octoprint

Any idea ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2017 03:12PM by shofman.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 18, 2017 04:38PM
Have you tried turning off temperature monitoring in Pronterface? Settings -> options, then untick "monitor printer status".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/2017 04:38PM by spinor.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 18, 2017 05:06PM
How large is the firmware file in the /sys folder? What is it called? I don't know whether it needs to be called RepRapFirmware.bin for RADDS, or something else.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 19, 2017 02:08AM
name : RepRapFirmware.bin
I use this name since the begining : update 1.13 to 1.14, and 1.14 to 1.17a

Size : 234 Kb

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/19/2017 02:09AM by shofman.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 19, 2017 02:24AM
My guess is that the version of IAP that you have on the SD card isn't compatible with the version of firmware that is already running. I'll build a new IAP for RADDS when I get time, but in the meantime you may need to update the original way using bossac instead.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 19, 2017 03:14AM
I will wait your new IAP file to validate your idea.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 28, 2017 01:08PM
I've just release RepRapFirmware 1.17d on github and as usual I have included an untested RADDS build. For the details, see [].

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 28, 2017 10:01PM
Do you have built a new iap file ?

What is the "" file ?
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 29, 2017 02:42AM
I haven't done a new IAP file yet. The map file is there to help diagnose an issue if a hard fault is reported.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 29, 2017 01:56PM
G2 and G3 implemented now, that great news! Thanks David... smiling smiley
I'm tempted to use my big Delta as laser engraver now.
Remove the bed and engrave the whole wooden porch, tile after tile.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
January 30, 2017 05:50AM
great and Thank you dc42,

I will test the new RepRapFirmware/Release/RADDS for my new Leadscrew Delta.

Mein Club: []
RADDS-Shield -> Commercial []
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 17, 2017 04:16AM
I have now generated a build of IAP for RADDS. You can find it (iappradds.bin) along with firmware release 1.18alpha2 at []. As with all my RADDS builds, I haven't tested it, but the corresponding builds for the Duets work.

I wanted to use different firmware filenames for Duet and RADDS, so the iapradds.bin file expects the firmware file on the SD card to be called RepRapFirmware-RADDS.bin. However the 1.17d and earlier builds of RRF for RADDS check for the presence of RepRapFirmware.bin. So if you want to try installing new firmware when the existing firmware is 1.17d or earlier, you need to have files with both names on the SD card. One you are running version 1.18alpha2 or later of RRF, you need only put RepRapFirmware-RADDS.bin on the SD card for future upgrades.

If you have a PanelDue attached to your RADDS then it should show the progress of your firmware upgrade, as it does on the Duets.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 17, 2017 04:24AM
Thanks. I will test this weekend.
What's new on 1.18 A2 ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2017 04:26AM by shofman.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 17, 2017 05:46PM
Thanks. I will test this weekend.
What's new on 1.18 A2 ?

Some better diagnostics and a preliminary implementation of baby stepping.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 18, 2017 05:33PM
I thought I'd give this upgrade path a shot again: I'm currently on 1.17b. From your github :
I copied iapradds.bin to the /sys folder
I copied RepRapFirmware-RADDS-1.18alpha2.bin & renamed it to RepRapFirmware-RADDS.bin & RepRapFirmware.bin in the /sys folder

I tried issuing a M997 S0 from Simplify 3D (I disabled the M105 calls before hand), Octoprint, and a simple Python script that just acts like a remedial serial terminal for gcode. For some reason, I'm unable to get Arduino's serial monitor to connect to the bot (I'm on a new computer since I last tried this).
All instances were the same: Nothing happens.
I do loose connection right after I issue the command, but after re-connection (I wait a minute), it's still 1.17b, and all the files I copied to he board are still present.

Am I doing anything wrong? If not, maybe RADDS just doesn't like this type of updating? I can still use the 'press the due reset button with a popsicle stick' method to update the firmware, but it'd sure be slick if I got this working.

Again, thanks dc42 for making these RADDS ports in the first place, much appreciated!
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 19, 2017 04:16AM
IIRC there were people using different USB-ports for updating and communication. I had to install a specific driver to make it work for my Due. Now I can use the USB port under the SD-card for both: programming with iapradds and communication through octoprint.

I attached, what I think is the driver.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/19/2017 04:18AM by o_lampe.
open | download - (2.5 KB)
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 19, 2017 04:47AM
I thought I'd give this upgrade path a shot again: I'm currently on 1.17b. From your github :
I copied iapradds.bin to the /sys folder
I copied RepRapFirmware-RADDS-1.18alpha2.bin & renamed it to RepRapFirmware-RADDS.bin & RepRapFirmware.bin in the /sys folder

I tried issuing a M997 S0 from Simplify 3D (I disabled the M105 calls before hand), Octoprint, and a simple Python script that just acts like a remedial serial terminal for gcode. For some reason, I'm unable to get Arduino's serial monitor to connect to the bot (I'm on a new computer since I last tried this).
All instances were the same: Nothing happens.
I do loose connection right after I issue the command, but after re-connection (I wait a minute), it's still 1.17b, and all the files I copied to he board are still present.

Am I doing anything wrong? If not, maybe RADDS just doesn't like this type of updating? I can still use the 'press the due reset button with a popsicle stick' method to update the firmware, but it'd sure be slick if I got this working.

Again, thanks dc42 for making these RADDS ports in the first place, much appreciated!

Thanks for trying it. Evidently the checks that RRF makes on the right files being present are working, so RRF is closing down and handing over to iapradds. But iapradds isn't working properly.

Please can you try installing firmware 1.18alpha2 by the old method. If it works then we know that the build of CoreNG for RADDS still works. iapradds uses the same core.

The other thing you could do is attach a PanelDue or FTDI adapter + serial monitor to the auxiliary serial port on the RADDS. Iap writes firmware update status messages to it at 57600 baud.

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 19, 2017 09:30AM
I tried the upgrade from 1.17d. and it works! I am using an external sd reader, I put the iaprapps.bin and the 2 firmware files (same file different names) on a sd card.

I connected to the serial port at 56700 with an usr-tcp232-t2 network connector, then in putty connected to the serial port sent M997 S0.

The screen then showed:-

Message : iap started, sd initialised OK, File 0:/sys/Reprapfirmware-RADDS.bin opened, Flashing firmware 20%, 40%, 60% , 80%, 100% and update successful! Rebooting.

(Sorry I am unable to copy and paste from putty)

The only difference I can see is that I had 1.17d before the upgrade. Hope this helps.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 19, 2017 06:50PM
@o_lampe : Thank's for that info : I currently use the 'Native port' (the one directly under the SD card) for all my work. The 'programming port' (closest to the barrel jack) never seemed to work well for anything. Thanks for the driver, but I'm personally not sure how to install it? I've been doing web searching for such a thing, and haven't come up with anything. Is it something I'd install via the Arduino IDE?

@dc42 : I'll give the 'ol manual install another shot soon. I have to yank the board and all it's wires out of it's case, which is a pain, which is why I'm so excited to get this auto-way working winking smiley I have neither the PanelDue (future upgrade) or ftdi adapter (probably should), so I'm a bit out of luck there right now.

Note, I finally got Arduino serial communication working: My fresh install had no line-endings set in the serial monitor.
I gave install a shot again via Arduino: In this case, when I enter the M997 S0, there is no reply to the command : No "disconnection error" or anything (other commands I issue respond just fine).
The machine does reboot though, because I do loose connection. But upon reboot, it's still the same version.

I'm starting to wonder though: I have a Due with the 'reset bug' (something about bad firmware on a USB chip on the board): When I first power on the due, I have to press the reset button for the firmware to actually boot (discussed here, here). I've not gone though the pains of addressing this, since it's simpler to just 'press the rest button when I start it up' tongue sticking out smiley
I'm wondering if this is actually part of the problem contributing to this install issue?

Thanks everyone.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 20, 2017 03:31AM
The driver I attached is to update windows. You connect the Due board, open device manager and select the port of the Due board. Then update driver and guide the update-manager to the directory where you stored the .cat file. You might have to be in admin-login to do that...
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
February 20, 2017 10:13AM
i'm not sure if it is difficult to add some lcd-support to the RADDS-firmware? There is a free adapter on thingiverse with some documentation. I'm especially interested for a support of the reprapdiscount smart controller (20x4). What do you think?

Reprapdiscount Smart Controller (20x4)


RADDS2LCD in Repetier-Firmware for DEV-version (1.x.x)


Box Header: pin 1 = red conductor from ribbon cable -> side is marked with "rt" on RADDS2LCD.u / RADDS2LCD.o
on RADDS: red conductor towards MOS-FETs and screw terminals


at end of block beginning with:

add these lines:


replace this:

by this:
		which display ???
		- full graphics smart controller is tested!
		- row / column display is NOT TESTED - use with own testing winking smiley
//#define FEATURE_CONTROLLER CONTROLLER_RADDS_LCD_16X2	// RADDS2LCD -> LCD with 16 columns and 2 rows
//#define FEATURE_CONTROLLER CONTROLLER_RADDS_LCD_20X4	// RADDS2LCD -> LCD with 20 columns and 4 rows
#define FEATURE_CONTROLLER CONTROLLER_RADDS_FGSC	  	// RADDS2LCD -> Full Graphics Smart Controller


after these lines


add these lines

// RADDS + RADDS2LCD + Full Graphics Smart Controller / other 4-bit LCD
  #define SDCARDDETECT -1
  #undef SDSUPPORT
  #define SDSUPPORT 1


before or after these lines:

#undef SDSS
void uiCheckSlowKeys(uint16_t &action) {}

add these lines

  #undef SDSS
  #define SDSS            10
  #undef SPI_PIN
  #define SPI_PIN         77
  #undef SPI_CHAN
  #define SPI_CHAN        0
  #define UI_HAS_KEYS     1

  #define UI_HAS_BACK_KEY 0
  // decide which lcd is used
    #define U8GLIB_ST7920
    #define UI_LCD_WIDTH 128
    #define UI_LCD_HEIGHT 64
    //select font size
    #define UI_FONT_6X10 //default font
    #ifdef UI_FONT_6X10
      #define UI_FONT_WIDTH 6
      #define UI_FONT_HEIGHT 10
      #define UI_FONT_SMALL_HEIGHT 7
      #define UI_FONT_DEFAULT repetier_6x10
      #define UI_FONT_SMALL repetier_5x7
      #define UI_FONT_SMALL_WIDTH 5 //smaller font for status display
      #define UI_ANIMATION false  // Animations are too slow
    //calculate rows and cols available with current font
    #define UI_DISPLAY_CHARSET 3
		#define UI_COLS 16
		#define UI_ROWS 2	
		#define UI_COLS 20
		#define UI_ROWS 4	
  #define BEEPER_TYPE 1
  #undef BEEPER_PIN
  #define BEEPER_PIN             41
  #define UI_DISPLAY_RS_PIN      42
  #define UI_DISPLAY_RW_PIN      -1
  #define UI_DISPLAY_D0_PIN      44
  #define UI_DISPLAY_D1_PIN      45
  #define UI_DISPLAY_D2_PIN      46
  #define UI_DISPLAY_D3_PIN      47
  #define UI_DISPLAY_D4_PIN      44
  #define UI_DISPLAY_D5_PIN      45
  #define UI_DISPLAY_D6_PIN      46
  #define UI_DISPLAY_D7_PIN      47

  // swap these two numbers to invert rotary encoder scroll direction
  #define UI_ENCODER_A           50
  #define UI_ENCODER_B           52

  #define UI_ENCODER_CLICK       48
  #define UI_RESET_PIN           -1
  #define UI_DELAYPERCHAR 50
  #define UI_BUTTON_BACK         71 // -1
  #ifdef UI_MAIN
    void uiInitKeys() {
      UI_KEYS_INIT_CLICKENCODER_LOW(UI_ENCODER_A, UI_ENCODER_cool smiley; // click encoder on pins 47 and 45. Phase is connected with gnd for signals.
      UI_KEYS_INIT_BUTTON_LOW(UI_ENCODER_CLICK); // push button, connects gnd to pin
    void uiCheckKeys(uint16_t &action) {
      UI_KEYS_CLICKENCODER_LOW(UI_ENCODER_A, UI_ENCODER_cool smiley; // click encoder on pins 47 and 45. Phase is connected with gnd for signals.
      UI_KEYS_BUTTON_LOW(UI_ENCODER_CLICK, UI_ACTION_OK); // push button, connects gnd to pin
    inline void uiCheckSlowEncoder() {}
    void uiCheckSlowKeys(uint16_t &action) {}
#endif // controller RADDS2LCD
DisplayList.h - (optional)
if you want to swap rotary encoder scroll direction (count clock / clockwise rotation)
then swap 
#define UI_ENCODER_A           52
#define UI_ENCODER_B           50
#define UI_ENCODER_A           50
#define UI_ENCODER_B           52
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
March 01, 2017 10:26AM
Just to report that the M997 S0 upgrade to 1.18alpha2 worked OK for me. I used Pronterface at 57600 baud with temperature monitoring turned off. (My Due also has the reset bug, by the way.)
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
March 01, 2017 11:58AM
Just to report that the M997 S0 upgrade to 1.18alpha2 worked OK for me. I used Pronterface at 57600 baud with temperature monitoring turned off. (My Due also has the reset bug, by the way.)

Thanks for the feedback!

Large delta printer [], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [].
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
March 01, 2017 01:45PM
Just to report that the M997 S0 upgrade to 1.18alpha2 worked OK for me. I used Pronterface at 57600 baud with temperature monitoring turned off. (My Due also has the reset bug, by the way.)

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for continuing to make RADDS builds available!

Will there be a 1.18beta1 for RADDS? I'm looking forward to trying out the updated autotune. I think the version in 1.18alpha2 still works like 1.17?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2017 05:05PM by spinor.
Re: RADDS work now stable with RepRap Firmware
March 01, 2017 05:24PM
I'm thinking about buying a PanelDue to use with a RADDS. Question: does RRF for the RADDS/PanelDue support the 2nd SD card slot? It would be nice to have the SD card slot and the PanelDue in the same enclosure on the side of the printer remote from the rest of the electronics.


Mark Napier
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