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MKS base v1.3 stopping mid print

Posted by mikefiatx19 
MKS base v1.3 stopping mid print
October 21, 2015 07:20PM
Hi Guys,
I have a Prusa I3 with MKS base v1.3 and I have a problem that it stopped 3 times mid print on my last print for no reason.
The temp stays at 190 so the board is still active but the job just sits there and melts into the stationary hot end.
The last 3 times it stopped it was in exactly the same spot on the print so I was wondering if it could be the STL file.
Strange thing is that the same file printed fine on my spare printer which uses a ramps setup.
I am using a 5:1 geared extruder on the I3 so the extruder stepper motor has to spin 5 times what a normal motor would so I was also thinking that it might be overheating the extruder stepper driver chip causing a shutdown (although the fact it stopped 3 times in exactly the same spot is odd).
Does anyone know if this is a feature that the MKS base v1.3 has?
If it does have an overheat / shutdown feature then should I heatsink the stepper driver chip?
Could it just be the STL file which looks fine to me?
Any help would be great.
Re: MKS base v1.3 stopping mid print
October 21, 2015 07:33PM
3 time in the same spot, most likely some gcode instruction that you firmware do not like.

I think when an stepper overheat it will stop only is motor and not all board.

You can check the z position where the print fails and check if there are some strange or diferent gcode in the file.
Re: MKS base v1.3 stopping mid print
October 22, 2015 03:47PM
Thanks, i will take a look. I had a quick look at the code already but couldn't see a problem. I will report back if anything suspicious shows up.
Re: MKS base v1.3 stopping mid print
October 22, 2015 04:26PM
What firmware are you running?

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: MKS base v1.3 stopping mid print
October 24, 2015 04:26PM
Hi All,

I think I resolved the issue, I think it was the SD card. I think it must have had a bad sector or something, I used a new card and the print completed.

Hi DC42, the firmware is Marlin.

Thanks guys for the help.

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