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BigTreeTech GTR V1.0

Posted by dave022 
BigTreeTech GTR V1.0
April 27, 2020 06:01AM

I am trying to chose between SKR 1.4 and GTR 1.0 for my new (possibly modular) printer. I like the idea that GTR can be expanded to 11 stepper drivers for future proofing but can't seem to find much information on it.

Does anyone here use it and can offer some pros and cons vs SKR 1.4?
Re: BigTreeTech GTR V1.0
October 12, 2020 08:49AM
Hi im pondering the same issue. Did you get any feedback. Did you come to a decision. Which one did you get? Any issues. Do you regret getting the board and why?
Re: BigTreeTech GTR V1.0
October 12, 2020 01:59PM
I personally prefer the SKR 1.4's board layout for wire management and stepper cooling ease. And it's smaller. The GTR looks bigger and it mostly meant for multimaterial machines. Beware that every extra extruder creates a ton of extra work to get working correctly. Think wisely. On top of that the SKR 1.4 is just wayyyyyyyyyy cheaper. To me it's a no-brainer. SKR 1.4 with 5x TMC2209 drivers cost the same as a bare GTR board. And if you want you can add more PWM fans with a simple schematic, multiple PWM fan output is the only thing the SKR 1.4 is still lacking.

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