I need a dual extruder capable board for my UM2. Mine came without its main board so i don't know how it's originally supposed to look/perform.
Is there any pitfalls to avoid? I don't want to buy something that I just can't use. Is this one good? Geeetech should be an ok brand afaik.
Also what are the headers in the top right corner? What do I have to search for to try to find blueprints or schematics for this board? Is it virtually identical to an original um board? (Edit: didn't pay attention to the silkscreen on the back of the board in the first photo, I see it now)
Is this board going to be able to run off 22-24v? Asking because I also need buy a power supply.
And yes I know the one I posted lacks an lcd/oled panel, as well as stepper drivers. I do have the original ultimaker display, and I have spare stepper drivers. I want to get tmc drivers down the line, if nothing else at lleast for the x/y axes.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2020 08:24PM by sevs.