Something got my attention about '3d printing boards'. I've always wanted a
Ramps board that can cater to stm32 and other ARM based 3.3v 'development boards'.
I did not find it earlier until ...
I stumbled into this board
it is the 'M5' extension board and not the GTR-V1 board that I'm interested in
The good thing about that 'M5' board is that the microcontroller is not on the board.
So you can literally take any other (stm32 or ARM etc) development boards and connect them to this M5 'extension board'
Use 'dupont' wires to jumper wires from your 'development board' to the 'M5 extension board'. The M5 board is literally a 'Ramps' board substitute, in particular i'd think suitable for stm32 mcus (and maybe many more ARM (e.g. Rpi pico), and other mcus).
cross posted in mastodon