Hi, I built a large-ish CNC machine with a 2.2kw spindle and 7075 aluminum but and I am scared to use it because I cannot find reliable speed or feed values and I think the default values are too aggressive and will snap the tool. I have some aluminum 6061 plates I want to mill for a 3D printer heated bed support and other projects and I have some generic 2 flute and 4 flute high speed steel metric end mills each ranging from 2mm to 12mm. The smallest holes to mill are 3.4-3.6mm in diameter and the smallest fillets have a 5mm radius. I am guessing I should use the 2 flute 10mm end mill for clearing most of the material and the 3mm end mill for the holes. I could really use some help with the settings because I don't want to die if a tool explodes.
I am using Fusion 360 and the default settings are:
Spindle speed 5000 rpm
Surface speed 78.5398 m/min
Ramp spindle speed 5000 rpm
Cutting feedrate 1000 mm/min
Feed per tooth 0.05 mm
Lead-in feedrate 1000 mm/min
Lead-out feedrate 1000 mm/min
Ramp feedrate 333.333 mm/min
Plunge feedrate 333.333 mm/min
Feed per revolution 0.0666666 mm