... I'm using Marlin and Pronterface for laserengraving and -cutting by simply generating the laser-pulses directly from the extruder-pulses - so a "G0 X0 Y0" movement to the origin with Extruder OFF will move the laser without power, while a "G1 X20 Y0 Z0 E200 F3000" will move 20mm in +X and generate 10 pulses per mm (so 10x20mm=200pulses) along the path.
For power setting I'm using a voltage fro 0V to 5V (potentiometer or analogue output from the controller) to a pin of the laser-controller (a small Arduino) and perform a reset, so it will read the voltage and define the later pulse length for it ... e.g. "0V" and reset will give pulses with 5 microseconds duration, while "+5V" will result in 500 microsecond long pulses ...
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