Chinesse power laser 15w decreased power but hot
February 03, 2023 08:00AM

I have a module 15w cheap, with a big heatsink and cooler from engraver 100x100 machine... now it seems to have lack of power
because at 100% does show a blue beam but not burning at all... grbl paramters are identical... it seems to warm up as always.. so power consumption at 4vol
is as before.. but power is not... is it aged? should buy new one? i have taken apart to see how it looks ...looks fine and electronics board is fine too!! is this normal??

see pictute:


can I buy the same diode alone?

or where can I buy the same diode alone?


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2023 09:12AM by marce002.
Re: Chinesse power laser 15w decreased power but hot
February 03, 2023 01:51PM
... this cheap LD modules are often overdriven, so they heats much above 30degC, so most likely "aged" to death ... same module vom same vendor would be similar.

Had not soo bad results while testing with a sculpfun S10 module -- it's two combined 7W-diodes with 10Watts on a spot a bit less than 0,1mm ...

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Re: Chinesse power laser 15w decreased power but hot
February 03, 2023 04:28PM
thanks yes s10 will be the option, but will also repair those 2 modules for few bucks,... in case you like to see the diodes itself are those:

one of them OGSH AO77 or similar, what would it mean no found on google search.

1st is 15W electrical
2nd is 2.5 electrical

please any data to buy the correct ones?


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2023 04:30PM by marce002.
Re: Chinesse power laser 15w decreased power but hot
February 03, 2023 05:18PM
... the first (open-can) with "15Watts" electrical draw should be a 3,5W diode (optical oputput) with ABSOLUTE max. of 3Amps at (max. too) 5Volts ... but running most likely at 4.5Volts and suggested nominal current of 2.3 Amps at 25degC housing temperature.

The second one could be an even older "beamy" 1Watt diode (optical), as they were salvaged from the first Casio beamers, where 24 od this guys were used for blue and green (phosphor wheel) illumination ...

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Re: Chinesse power laser 15w decreased power but hot
February 04, 2023 06:32AM
thanks Viktor very clear. Im very frustrated because the lower one was working fine, it had a very thin "point= Laser Beam Spot" compared to the 15w, and i burned myself using the 15 board on it, yes a stupi hurry test i did.
Anyway... so, in first place i would like to try to find a similar 1w for that unit, because for the 15w seems (from your help( that NUBM08 should be fine. but for the small one I can only find something like:

PLTB450B 445nm 450nm Blue Laser Diode 1600mw TO18 5.6mm

450nm 1.6WLaser diodePL
Output Power:1.6W
Spectral line width:4nm
Working current:1.2-1.5A
Threshold current:0.2-0.3A
Operating Voltage:4.8-6.0V
Operating temperature:-20 ~ +70Degrees Celsius
Storage temperature:-40 ~ + 85Degrees Celsius

but 4mm spectral!! what is that? without lens i asume because that is huge!!


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2023 07:17AM by marce002.
Re: Chinesse power laser 15w decreased power but hot
February 04, 2023 02:07PM
... maybe something like this? - []

But then better with a proper driver for it too - []

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