3D Systems Sense Scanner
June 26, 2014 09:27AM
Hi Everybody,

I'm new here, but need your help. I have a 3D Systems SENSE scanner at work. We've learned a lot about it and have been able to get some really solid scans. The following conclusions have been made:

1) The scanner is based off of depth perception, NOT a rotating platter. This means that you MUST walk around the object for the scanner to recognize a change in location to create a new portion of the point cloud.
2) The scanner has a set resolution. Therefore, smaller closeup scans are going to have more detail than a larger object.
3) There is a limit to scan sizes. Before you scan an object, you choose SMALL, MEDIUM, or LARGE object with examples of dimensions for each. As you walk around an object, the software CHOOSES an ORIGIN within the cubic space suggested per size chosen. If you scan a small object that's really a medium or large object, the scan will cut off any part of the object outside of that "small" cubic space.
4) If you increase the frame rate, the scanner keeps the tracking MUCH MUCH better. It captures more detail, the mapping works better, just do it. It takes a bit more RAM but it's worth it. Makes sense right? Frames per second is like increasing your resolution in a video to make slow motion smoother.

Now that we have some strong scans, as a product development company, we need to be able to DO SOMETHING USEFUL WITH THEM. I can't find any inexpensive solution / hackable method to take the SENSE scanner and convert the scan into a surface model in Solidworks. I know huge programs such as Geomagic are out there, but we aren't looking to spend another fortune on a whole new modeling suite. I know that there is a "SCAN TO 3D" plugin in Solidworks Premium, but unfortunately the proprietary software of the SENSE (3d Systems) only exports in .STL, .OBJ, or .PLY. Is there any way to just export the point cloud for solidworks? Is there any way to hack the scanner to get a useful file format for Solidworks?

Please help me if you can! I'd be happy to share any more tips from our SENSE scanner as well.

Re: 3D Systems Sense Scanner
July 15, 2014 11:01AM
Hi Richard,

Could you please tell me how do you change the frame rate of the scanner?

Best regards,
Re: 3D Systems Sense Scanner
December 05, 2014 01:46PM
3D Systems Sense Scanner resolution
Re: 3D Systems Sense Scanner
December 08, 2014 12:51PM
Thanks for the info rarena. I also have a Sense scanner that I got as a get last year. I have had trouble with getting a decent scan. I don't think any of the computers I tried to use it with are powerful enough. it usually quits part way through the scan saying that it "lost tracking" I have attached a scan of a coworker, I would say it is the best scan/3D print that I have done... in a year. it looks like him anyway. smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/08/2014 12:52PM by roygpa.
open | download - Jonathan 2014-08-25 21.10.25.jpg (175.6 KB)
Re: 3D Systems Sense Scanner
February 19, 2015 09:07PM
Hi guys

I'm about to buy a Sense scanner for work with the goal of importing the obj output into Austodesk inventor via 3DStudio max or Fusion.

Could someone send me a .obj file from the sense so I can test it out? Preferably a scan of their girlfriend but anything will do.

Thanks in advance.

Re: 3D Systems Sense Scanner
February 20, 2015 04:12AM
I sent you a pm with a link to a scan taken with the Sense scanner. It is great for people and large objects. Smaller stuff not so much. I use it most successfully strapped to a 1st gen Surface Pro and clean up the results using Meshmixer (freeware). If you are just wanting 3d images of people and objects to print small you may want to look at 123dCatch by Autodesk. Freeware too use with your smartphone.

I am also interested in getting the raw point clouds from the scanner if anyone has any ideas.
Re: 3D Systems Sense Scanner
April 08, 2015 08:02PM
Please send the link to me, too.
Re: 3D Systems Sense Scanner
August 21, 2019 06:47PM
We do have the same 3D system SENSE Scanner and we have only smaller objects so never try a big one. Anyway, this website can help you better than anyone because of their specialization in 3D.
Re: 3D Systems Sense Scanner
September 25, 2019 06:38AM
Useful site. I am interested as a beginner. thank
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