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BQ Ciclop 3D scanner

Posted by owens 
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
February 11, 2016 11:51PM
If you are looking for scan shield but don't want to build your own (because its pretty much impossible to land a ZUM Scan Shield in the states) I will be producing a bunch. They are for my own version of the Ciclop but they have identical functionality to the ZUM scan so you can use it to build any 3D scanner you want. [www.kickstarter.com]
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
March 21, 2016 04:48AM
Hi there,

I purchased my kit from reprap.com.

I can't get my ciclop to scan. I am having trouble with the auto check and calibration.
I get these error messages. I am using horus software.

Auto check - Check Motor Direction and Pattern Position and try Again.
Calibration - Laser Calibration failed. Please try again.

I am using Ardruino Uno and Zum Scan Boards.
I will be thankful for your help.


Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
May 06, 2016 09:43AM
Hi, I'm hoping to build the BQ Ciclop scanner and have a logitech C920 that I could use instead of the C270. I realise that the stl file holding the camera will need to be modified. But I have a few other questions;
1) Is it necessary to remove the lense cover of the camera due to its distorting effect on the laser or is that only done on the C270 so that the camera manual focus may be adjusted?
2) Is the lense center height in the plastic housing a critical dimension?

Thanks in advance.
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
July 23, 2016 08:17PM
I'm missing about 8mm off the bottom of my scans. I've tried changing the distance setting in calibration (from base to the top edge of the first square) and it doesn't change anything. Wondering what i'm doing wrong here?
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
July 24, 2016 04:43PM
Printed a full size platform, i was using a purchased acrylic one before that i drilled the holes in a little off center, and it wasn't quite as thick. Still missing the bottom few mm. after replacing the plate. Other than that the scans are great.

A guy at work told me that you can make a solution to cut down the reflectivity of objects out of 3:1 alcohol and baby powder. I'm going to try it on a nice shiny Matchbox car and see how it works.
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
August 03, 2016 07:41AM
After building Kossel 3D Printer, i am planning to build something different Perhaps 3D SCANNER will be fun to make.

Thinking which one is better to buy ?

Since this will be for the first time , budget will be limited. So thinking to start with DIY kit.

Any suggestion guys ?
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
December 17, 2016 06:03AM
I have just built a Ciclop scanner and I am now getting to grips with the calibration. It is very sensitive to the ambient light but I am now getting some pretty detailed scans even if there are holes in them.
I found some of the parts difficult to print on my reprap printer and I ended up buying a set of blow moulded parts from Hong Kong on Ebay. Cheating maybe but the end job is good.
The scanner seems ideal for copying small objects that fit a 200 x 200 print bed.
I have also built a Skanect using an xbox 360. It is for larger scans such as full body and head and shoulders scans.
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
May 15, 2017 03:49PM
Bonjour à tous.
Je viens de terminer le montage de mon Ciclop, tous les éléments sont
opérationnels (lasers, moteur, caméra ).
Mais, je suis confronté à un soucis à savoir :en mode calibration les lasers
ne s'allument pas et donc la calibration échoue.
En "manuel" je les commande sans problème.
Je n'ai pas trouvé la cause de ce défaut sur ma machine.
Quelqu'un aurait il une piste à m'indiquer?
D'avance merci
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner Horus
September 23, 2017 11:39PM
Having problems September 2017 getting Horus to install on Ubuntu 16.04. Following the install instructions on [horus.readthedocs.io] I receive messages in the terminal that it can not find files:

Err:21 [ppa.launchpad.net] xenial/main amd64 Packages
404 Not Found

Err:35 [ppa.launchpad.net] xenial/main amd64 Packages
404 Not Found

Can anyone give a solution for this problem in looking xenial is not listed however that is 16.04
Re: BQ Ciclop 3D scanner
April 30, 2019 08:48PM
can not see the scanner in the device manger on both my 8.1 and 10 windows
there is a red light on the under neath mother board
what next? any help

thank you
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