I've been searching for the appropriate forum to post this on and seeing as quite a few people are posting about it, I thought I'd post it here.
I've been building the BQ Ciclop Scanner, using 3D printed parts from my 3D Printer and the components found in the BoM and it's gone, if not smoothly, at least forward.
However, now I have every single piece, I've got an issue!
When running the latest version of Horus, I can get the camera powered up, I can get the board powered up and I can activate the lasers as well as get a reading from the lasers - but here's where the hitch is. My stepper motor refuses to turn at all. It acts as if it isn't powered at all and I don't know why. There was an issue where the USB header on the Ardunio was making contact with the power header on the DIY Board I've bought from BQ and it shorted everything out (including my laptop for a bit). I've solved this issue and replaced the stepper motor driver because it was getting very hot and I assumed I'd fried it.
Anyway, that issue is now resolved but the stepper motor refuses to turn - or even be enabled. I can still turn the motor by hand when it's supposed to be powered on and there's barely any resistance. I've tested the motor itself by shorting the pairs (It's a Nema 17 by the way) and it does indeed become very hard to turn, which tells me the motor is in fact alright. I can only assume there's an issue with the firmware or the stepper motor driver or the board.
I've followed the BoM exactly, including waiting ages for no less than two BQ boards from China. I've gotten the lasers and everything. Does anyone have any ideas what's going on? I've gone through every single step I can think of:
- I've tested the Arduino by using the example code for making the LED flash.
- I've shorted the stepper motor to see if it becomes hard to turn, it does.
- I've replaced the stepper motor driver repeatedly.
- I've replaced the BQ board with a new one.
- I've researched it (It's a common problem but very few solutions apply to my situation.)
- I've changed the power supply from a 2A to a 1.5A and a 1A. The power supply is 6v.
- I've attempted to connect the motor and board seperate from each other using a breadboard in case the issue was the contact.
So that's my problem solving so far, I've tried everything I can think of and the only things left to consider are that the issue is with the boards or the firmware. I've yet to try an earlier version of Horus to see if that works admittedly. Ordinarily I'd leave it but I've invested a fair amount of money into this project and it would be very useful for me both at work and at home. So if someone could help please, I'd appreciate it.