Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 07, 2012 06:16AM |
Registered: 12 years ago Posts: 2 |
Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 07, 2012 06:20AM |
Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 3,742 |
Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 07, 2012 08:00AM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 643 |
Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 07, 2012 01:15PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 2,947 |
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Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 09, 2012 03:11AM |
Registered: 15 years ago Posts: 3,742 |
Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 09, 2012 04:35PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 79 |
I personally don't like that style of hobbed bolt because the filament can wander really easily.
Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 09, 2012 05:41PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 2,947 |
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Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 10, 2012 10:53AM |
Admin Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 2,569 |
Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 12, 2012 02:50PM |
Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 79 |
Don't twist my words around It happens intermittently only on a Greg's accessible extruder, predating the guilder upgrade when the filament is fed on an angle into the extruder.Quote
Also you already confirmed it happens on a gregs extruder without the guidler which is made to fix the problem that this style of hobbed bolt has and is not a problem with Gregs design but a problem with this style of hobbed bolt.
Wrong. It's hobbed between two 608's and it doesn't come with one installed....... You should be able to figure the rest out for yourself.Quote
It nearly looks like the hobbed part is larger (in diameter) than the rest of the bolt. Good luck fitting that through a bearing !
Wrong. Unless you over tighten it, in which case the same problem will occur with any bolt, or anything else that you over tighten for that matter. It's the flat surface of the idler that does most of the squishing, by the way.Quote
And I agree it's suboptimal :
- It's probably going to squish the filament.
Ever so wrong. There is no visual scuffing on the filament, not to say there isn't any hidden inside the grooves and over long periods of time I do notice a small accumulation of dust in the bottom of our extruder housings but that's over period 50 Lbs. or so. If you google the eckertech hobbed bolt and search relentlessly through the results you will see a comment here and there like “I rarely have to clean it” People like it so much because it doesn't scuff and it doesn't slip.Quote
- It's more prone to grinding the filament as it needs to plunge the teeth deeper to push it (less contact surface, less grip).
No you don't.Quote
I have one that looks like this
Not sure what you are describing but it certainly isn't anything like my design......... which of course invalidates your next statement.Quote
it has a groove actually, but not deep enough, more like some little sanding.
I had to change my idler for one with a guide "guidler" otherwise the filament would just wander around and mess up my actual E_steps per_mm - varying quantity of plastic being extruded is not good for nice prints.
Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 12, 2012 03:52PM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 2,947 |
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Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 13, 2012 08:02AM |
Admin Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 2,569 |
Re: Is this a bad hobbed bolt? July 14, 2012 08:09AM |
Registered: 13 years ago Posts: 139 |