Printed drive belts?
October 14, 2009 04:43AM
Could Reprap print drive belts? as these seem to be hard to find and expensive.
Re: Printed drive belts?
October 14, 2009 05:07AM
... wouldn'last very long eye rolling smiley

Better print a mould and make some from silicone/rubber with embedded steelwires or such ...

Re: Printed drive belts?
October 14, 2009 05:24AM
I think that Mendel uses cheaper, easier to obtain belts.

Re: Printed drive belts?
October 15, 2009 12:54AM
Over at Thingiverse, I saw a design for a laser cutable cable chain, which gave me an idea; printable snap-together sprocket chain links (and, no, I don't have a design for them). Yes, it would not wear as well as manufactured machine belts, but it would be a step toward the goal of a completely self-reproduceable machine.
Re: Printed drive belts?
October 15, 2009 01:31AM
This was a challenge I promoted a while ago in another topic.

Challenge: printable and useable chain links
Re: Printed drive belts?
October 15, 2009 05:40AM
... look at the last image in this PDF [www.rrg.de] - a perfect method for making 'endless' belts with any size ...

Re: Printed drive belts?
October 15, 2009 12:40PM
Here's a similar concept for guide wires that can be printed.


R.J. Bowman Wrote:
> Over at Thingiverse, I saw a design for a laser
> cutable cable chain, which gave me an idea;
> printable snap-together sprocket chain links (and,
> no, I don't have a design for them). Yes, it would
> not wear as well as manufactured machine belts,
> but it would be a step toward the goal of a
> completely self-reproduceable machine.
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