Hello there! This is my first time using this forum, so apologies for any lack of etiquette, general stupidity, etc, etc.
I built a kossel mini and am very close to being able to print, with everything calibrated that I can calibrate EXCEPT FOR THE EXTRUDER. For whatever reason it doesn't turn when I tell it to using Pronterface, even though the text box says that it has successfully extruded the set amount of filament. I have tested the motor on a different driver and it turns fine, and I even swapped the driver in the E spot for a spare, but to no avail. The voltage for the E driver is .438, and changing that didn't help either. I'm thinking it's some problem buried in code somewhere.
Short of replacing the MEGA board, I have found no solutions online that have worked or are applicable. I'm using Marlin for firmware.
PLEASE HELP, I don't know what else to try