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How smooth should the printer bed move?

Posted by OneSprague 
How smooth should the printer bed move?
May 28, 2016 01:21AM
So I'm getting into my first build of a kit and the bed is not silky smooth. If I put my hand on it I can move it, but it seems a bit gritty for lack of a better term. It's just not glassy smooth. Should I be worried about this?
Re: How smooth should the printer bed move?
May 28, 2016 03:53AM
Is that with or without the motor, pulley and belt fitted?

Large delta printer [miscsolutions.wordpress.com], E3D tool changer, Robotdigg SCARA printer, Crane Quad and Ormerod

Disclosure: I design Duet electronics and work on RepRapFirmware, [duet3d.com].
Re: How smooth should the printer bed move?
May 28, 2016 09:09AM
without moter and belts, just the aluminum plater on the bearings.
Re: How smooth should the printer bed move?
May 28, 2016 09:42AM
... the 'smoothness' of ball bearings depends on the 'precompression' of the bearings housing - without any compression it's normally pretty smooth, but you have some play ...

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Re: How smooth should the printer bed move?
May 28, 2016 09:47AM
Ok, I'll keep on with my build then and see how it works out. Thanks!
Re: How smooth should the printer bed move?
May 31, 2016 04:41PM
So I'm getting into my first build of a kit and the bed is not silky smooth. If I put my hand on it I can move it, but it seems a bit gritty for lack of a better term. It's just not glassy smooth. Should I be worried about this?

Like this: [www.youtube.com] ? That was how mine was during assembly, but it worked fine once everything was connected up, and also improved over time once it was in regular use.

See my blog at [moosteria.blogspot.com].
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