Hot/Cold swap Nozzle idea
May 24, 2024 01:12PM
So I had an idea of how to make a quicker swapping nozzle then the revo systems or similar.

The first one and the one I animated uses a metal clip that slots into a groove in the nozzle and heatbreak. The nozzle itself would have no threads and would be prevented from being pushed out by the clip itself.

The second iteration that I may eventually draw up and animate would swap the clip for a spring loaded button. Same idea where you would have a metal blocker keeping the nozzle in but it would be as easy as pushing a button.

This is an animation of my first draft.

The very unfinished rough draft is here Github Repository incase I actually end up working on it.

I'm open for ideas and suggestions. My main goal however is to get the idea out there before someone patents it.
Re: Hot/Cold swap Nozzle idea
May 25, 2024 06:27PM
At least in the US, the patent system is totally out of control. In fact, it's so bad I have twice accomplished "reverse patent trolling".

It works like this. I make a thing, and publish it for all to see and copy. A patent troll contacts me and says that I am violating their patent,
and they are going to take me to court.

I invite them to take me to court, and advise them that the very likely outcome will be that, not only will they lose their case, but they will
lose their patent.

I then invite them to spend much less to keep me off their back, with the understanding that their patent is worthless and they should drop dead.

I certainly won't retire from the proceeds, but it seems to have removed at least two scumbag lawyer nests from proliferating.
Re: Hot/Cold swap Nozzle idea
June 07, 2024 03:59PM
You need to have that nozzle sit tight not only in z but also laterally in xy.
Your mechanisms have no mechanical actuation in the lateral direction and also only partly in the z direction, especially the latter mechanism. You would need some kind of precision slot to achieve that or a conical shape which makes a thought fit using an actuation in z. Just for consideration.

The latter mechanism would be interesting as you won't need to interact with anything else than the nozzle itself. It potentially also would allow for nozzle probing.
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