Experiences with Tungsten Carbide Nozzles
May 29, 2024 07:29AM
Hey everyone,

I’m curious about your experiences with tungsten carbide nozzles for 3D printing with abrasive filaments. I've read about several potential downsides, such as their higher cost compared to hardened steel nozzles, their brittleness which can lead to chipping or cracking, and their lower thermal conductivity which might impact print quality with temperature-sensitive materials. Additionally, their availability and compatibility might be limited. There's also the concern about filament leakage as the nozzle doesn't have a good thermal expansion to form a tight seal. Have any of you faced these issues? What problems have you encountered, and are there any solutions or best practices you’ve found to mitigate these downsides? Your insights would be greatly appreciated!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/29/2024 07:36AM by gaurangsk.
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