I'm new here so I hope this is the right place, else please move to another section. Sorry / Thanks.
I just found this article about 3dxtech.com releasing a conductive carbon nanotube filament:
$62 for a kg.
Anyone can explain to me what "Target conductivity for 3DXNano™ ESD ABS: 10(7) ohm/sq surface resistivity" means?
Is that "10
7 Ohm * Meter" (on a 1 square meter block)?
From what I read on wikipedia, conductivity is the inverse of resistivity, and both are usually defined by ohm and meters.
Does that mean 1 cubic meter of the stuff would have 100 MOhm?
PS: This article [
www.plosone.org] says about "carbon black" that:
"The measured resistivity of the composite in-plane with the layers was 0.09±0.01 ohm m
Which confuses me further since the unit given on wikipedia says Ohm * m, but I guess really it's Ohm * m / m
2 which would be Ohm / m. Am I obtuse or is this confusing?
PPS: I send them an email hopefully they get back to me.
PPPS: After checking out [
www.rabbitproto.com] I realize this is apparently "sheet resistance", not "bulk resistivity"...
Can someone ELI5 this for me? (Explain like i'm 5). If I print a 1cm strang of 0.4 mm thickness, how much Ohm would that be?
PPPPS: They updated the website to state that "Target conductivity for 3DXNano™ ESD ABS: 1.E7 to 1.E9 ohm surface resistivity on 3DP sample per standard outlined in ASTM D257.".
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 05/17/2014 07:08PM by Dejay.