arduino 1.0 and sprinter
December 30, 2011 05:30AM
dose anyone else have issues with the new arduino 1.0 not compiling sprinter or is it just me going crazy.

Re: arduino 1.0 and sprinter
December 31, 2011 04:25AM
The libraries coming with the Sanguino and Gen7 support packages no longer fit. Either use an older Arduino IDE or make new libraries.

Generation 7 Electronics Teacup Firmware RepRap DIY
Re: arduino 1.0 and sprinter
January 01, 2012 08:09PM
Hi guys, someone did the job... this googled patch for sprinter/arduino1.0 works for my sanguinololu w atmega1284p@16Mhz:
Re: arduino 1.0 and sprinter
January 28, 2012 03:04AM
Arduino version1.0 is still not working with the Arduino Mega 2560 board yet.

I tried it 2 days ago but had to go back to version 023 which works just fine with Sprinter.
I did upgrade to the new Pronterface (Jan 19 2012) which is a big improvement over the previous version.

Well done guys!

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