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Heater Problems w/Repetier Firmware on RAMPS 1.4

Posted by labmat 
Heater Problems w/Repetier Firmware on RAMPS 1.4
June 22, 2013 04:29PM
I am trying to get my Rostock Mini up on Repetier firmware 0.83 and am having no luck getting the hot end, heated bed and extruder to work. The thermistors appear to work just fine, I am getting good temperature readings back in Repetier Host but when I tell it to heat up the hot end or heated bed nothing happens. I checked through pins.h and believe that I have everything set correctly, what else could I possibly be missing?

On the positive side, everything else appears to be working well, it was easy to configure and calibrate stage motion smiling smiley

* Arduino Mega pin assignment
  #define MOTHERBOARD 3
  #define RAMPS_V_1_3
#elif MOTHERBOARD == 34
  #define MOTHERBOARD 3
  #define RAMPS_V_1_3
  #define AZTEEG_X3
  #define KNOWN_BOARD 1

//////////////////FIX THIS//////////////
  #ifndef __AVR_ATmega1280__
    #ifndef __AVR_ATmega2560__
     #error Oops!  Make sure you have 'Arduino Mega' selected from the 'Tools -> Boards' menu.

// uncomment one of the following lines for RAMPS v1.3 or v1.0, comment both for v1.2 or 1.1
#define RAMPS_V_1_3
// #define RAMPS_V_1_0

#ifdef RAMPS_V_1_3

#define X_STEP_PIN         54
#define X_DIR_PIN          55
#define X_ENABLE_PIN       38
#define X_MIN_PIN          -1
#define X_MAX_PIN          2

#define Y_STEP_PIN         60
#define Y_DIR_PIN          61
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN       56
#define Y_MIN_PIN          -1
#define Y_MAX_PIN          15

#define Z_STEP_PIN         46
#define Z_DIR_PIN          48
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN       62
#define Z_MIN_PIN          -1
#define Z_MAX_PIN          19

#define E0_STEP_PIN         26
#define E0_DIR_PIN          28
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN       24

#define E1_STEP_PIN         36
#define E1_DIR_PIN          34
#define E1_ENABLE_PIN       30

#define SDPOWER            -1
#define SDSS               53
#define SDCARDDETECT 	   49

#define LED_PIN            -1
#define FAN_PIN            9
#define PS_ON_PIN          12
#define KILL_PIN           41

#define HEATER_0_PIN       10
#define HEATER_1_PIN       8
#define HEATER_2_PIN       -1
#define TEMP_0_PIN         13   // ANALOG NUMBERING
#define TEMP_1_PIN         14   // ANALOG NUMBERING
#define TEMP_2_PIN         15

#else // RAMPS_V_1_1 or RAMPS_V_1_2 as default

#define X_STEP_PIN         26
#define X_DIR_PIN          28
#define X_ENABLE_PIN       24
#define X_MIN_PIN           3
#define X_MAX_PIN          -1    //2

#define Y_STEP_PIN         38
#define Y_DIR_PIN          40
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN       36
#define Y_MIN_PIN          16
#define Y_MAX_PIN          -1    //17

#define Z_STEP_PIN         44
#define Z_DIR_PIN          46
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN       42
#define Z_MIN_PIN          18
#define Z_MAX_PIN          -1    //19

#define E0_STEP_PIN         32
#define E0_DIR_PIN          34
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN       30

#define SDPOWER            48
#define SDSS               53
#define LED_PIN            13
#define PS_ON_PIN          -1
#define KILL_PIN           -1
//#define SCL                21
//#define SDA                20

#define E1_PINS

#ifdef RAMPS_V_1_0 // RAMPS_V_1_0
  #define HEATER_0_PIN     12    // RAMPS 1.0
  #define HEATER_1_PIN     -1    // RAMPS 1.0
  #define FAN_PIN          11    // RAMPS 1.0

#else // RAMPS_V_1_1 or RAMPS_V_1_2
  #define HEATER_0_PIN     10    // RAMPS 1.1
  #define HEATER_1_PIN      8    // RAMPS 1.1
  #define FAN_PIN           9    // RAMPS 1.1


// SPI for Max6675 Thermocouple 

// these pins are defined in the SD library if building with SD support  
#define SCK_PIN          52
#define MISO_PIN         50
#define MOSI_PIN         51
#define MAX6675_SS       53

#ifdef AZTEEG_X3
#define SDSUPPORT true
#define FAN_PIN           4
#define FAN2_PIN          5
#define LIGHT_PIN         6
#define BEEPER_PIN        33  // Activate beeper on extension shield
#define BEEPER_TYPE        1



Matthew LaBerge
Re: Heater Problems w/Repetier Firmware on RAMPS 1.4
June 23, 2013 12:15AM
So after manually configuring Repetier firmware to work with my G3D LCD I have found that there is nothing wrong with my configuration, I can control the hotend and hotbed from the controller. However I cannot control them from Repetier-Host on my Macbook Pro, I'm running the latest version of the host software available for OSX 0.56. I have a windows netbook that I also have Repetier instaled on and will try connecting that tomorrow to see if the resuls are the same.
Re: Heater Problems w/Repetier Firmware on RAMPS 1.4
June 23, 2013 01:31PM
I was able to connect and control the hotend and hotbed with Repetier-host on my windows netbook. Not sure why the OSX version won't control them, is anyone else experiancing this issue?
Hello Labmat,

you found the problem with hotend?
I have the same problem on Ramps 1.4 with Firmware 0.83

First the hotend heat correct and later after the good temp come the massage

"Printer set into dry mode....) :-(

Somebody now what is wrong?

On Marlin Firmware all running

Re: Heater Problems w/Repetier Firmware on RAMPS 1.4
July 09, 2013 10:55AM
Hello Oliver,

What I found was a problem with the interaction between Repetier Firmware and Repetier Host on OS X, If I connect a Windows netbook with Repetier Host for Windows the problem does not occur. I have not heard from anyone else to see if I am an isolated case or if others are experiancing the same thing.

I am unfortunately not familiar with the error you are experiancing.


Matthew LaBerge
Re: Heater Problems w/Repetier Firmware on RAMPS 1.4
July 10, 2013 08:02AM

I'm using Repetier-Host Mac 0.56 and Repetier-Firmware 0.90alpha (also tested Version 0.83) and RAMPS 1.4 with success.

Configuring Repetier-Firmware you should pay attention to EEPROM_MODE. You should change EEPROM_MODE (e.g. from 1 to 2, from 2 to 1 or from 2 to 3 ...) every time you upload the firmware otherwise your changes aren't store into the EEPROM and the Firmware uses the EEPROM values.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2013 08:05AM by flurin.
Re: Heater Problems w/Repetier Firmware on RAMPS 1.4
July 10, 2013 08:42AM

Check Configuration.h:

You see "Printer set into dry run mode until restart!" if the current sensor temp < MIN_DEFECT_TEMPERATURE or > MAX_DEFECT_TEMPERATURE.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/10/2013 08:46AM by flurin.
Hallo Flurin and Labmat,

thanks for fast answer.
I found the problem by me, i change atx powersupply to a other and all works now.


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