i would like to build a small delta printer with UNO
i downloaded and used the Branch ''Delta'' that has the kinematics for Delta setup
I Managed to upload the firmware to my Arduino uno but when i am trying to connect with the Pronterface it stacks in the message that it is connecting ..... but never Has
i tryied with different Baud rate , with the XON/XOFF selection but always is the same...
if use the board ''Ramps v1.3'' that is for Arduino Mega - Atmega 2560 then it works fine.. the pronterface connects
Also if i try to flash my UNO with the ''Teacup Master '' and everything is working right... it connects to pronterface
so mast be the version of ''Teacup Delta '' that has something wrong... but what?? as it is what i need for my Delta Setup..
The Teacup Delta firmware didnt have the configuration file for the CNC Shield v3 (This only has Atmega 328p cpu like the one Arduino uno has) so i just copy paste the configuration file from the config file in Teacup Mater firmware .
Maybe this one has to do with the problem... maybe i should make more action in order to be compiled well
also i notice that in Teacup Delta i can upload to the Atmega 2560 only if i use the stk500v2 Programmer
In order to upload in Arduino UNO i have to use the ''arduino'' programmer...
with stk500v1 or stk500v2 i am getting ''time out'' or wrong address
Any Help ? or anyone with the same problem in the past?
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/08/2017 10:43AM by caslor.