Original Issue : Extruder 2 and 3 of Tricolour Mendal failed to extrude (no feed of filament for 2 and 3 extruder)
New Issue : Print 6% smaller than specified
Action taken : Reflashed Firmware with latest Marlin Multicolour files from GitHub to try resolve the Extruder issue.
Subsequently discovered print was 6% smaller than specified.
Reflashed Firmware with values for correct pulley type
R1: Print is 6% smaller. Change was made to Configuration.h on step size for X and Y pulley to reflect the correct pulley type
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {92.635, 92.635, 4000, 660} // <- 17-tooth printed pulley
Compiled and upload the new values. No errors reported on compilation and upload.
R2: Extruder 2 and 3 still failed to extrude. All motors confirm working.
Setup and Versions of IDE and Hardware :
Arduino version : Arduino 1.0.6 IDE
Marlin Version : Mendel - Marlin Multicolur Version
Hardware : Sanguino Atmega 1284p 16 Mhz
Output : Reading from Sanguino Board (M501, M503)
Firmware version: V10, EEPROM version: V10
ok p : 12.00 i:2.20 d:80.00 w:125
echo : Stored settings retreived:
echo : Steps per unit:
echo : M92 X87.49 Y87.49 Z4000.00 E660.00
Value of X87.49 Y87.49 did not change to new value and retained old values.
Both boards jumpered for USB power and Reset ( JP1 and JP14) during firmware upload.
Seems like firmware not updated. Priority to resolve R1.
Any idea where it went wrong? Appreciate any advice given.